Good Monday Morning To You. Welcome to Monday Morning With Pastor Vic. If this is you first visit, thank you for stopping by. I’m glad to meet you. If you are a regular visitor, it’s always good to have you come for a visit. I would love to see you, and we are working toward that goal. I am meeting monthly with other church planters in our section of the state, and they are bringing in experts to help us do video blogging. Hopefully by the end of the year we will have everything in place to come to you by way of video. Do make this a matter of prayer. All of this technological stuff rattles my brain. Computers are not from my generation. They were just coming into popularity about the time I was graduating from high school. The other day I fought and argued with my laptop about why it suddenly was no longer on speaking terms with my printer. I found myself saying, “I’ve got to go find a teenager. He can fix it!”
For the last six weeks, you have been praying for my mom. It looks as if she will be released later today. Believe me, after six weeks and four days, she is quite ready to come home. When she gets home, Miss Bessie will be there to help her with whatever she needs. It is possible that she might continue with a physical therapist coming to her house. Bess flew up to Cincy last Thursday and has been busy doing mom’s spring cleaning. My mother always kept a clean house and sometime I was forced to participate in the process. She is excited about Bess being there, and Bess is happy to be there for her.
Yesterday was another super day at Friendship Harmony. The attendance was excellent, and the Spirit was moving throughout the service. I’m even proud to say that the Friendship Harmony Baptist Choir sang. They are good! You can hear good four part harmony, and Ken Birdsong gets more out of them than they knew they had. It is interesting to note that the choir consisted of everybody who experienced Friendship Harmony yesterday. Good singing choir! Keep it up!!!
The message was titled, “The Lord’s Horses.” I preached from chapter 19 beginning at verse 11 from The Book of the Revelation. Here we see the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. He is riding a white horse and so are the armies coming with Him. The Lord must love white horses because He has millions of them. However, what else would you expect Him to have? A white horse is a victory horse and when King Jesus comes back to this earth again, He’ll not be mocked, laughed at, crucified, or in any way humiliated. He will come in power and with victory! I feel a “Hallelujah” swelling inside me as I think about it! Until the Father commands Michael to sound the horn and set these last days prophecies in motion, let’s all be about our Father’s business. That business includes telling the lost about the saving grace and mercy of our Lord. As I look at what the future is, I don’t want it for my family or for yours. Heaven is much to be preferred. If you are left here on earth when Christ comes in the air for his bride, the church, you will enter the tribulation. Let me tell you here and now, you will not survive it. You will be eternally lost and damned to a devil’s hell. You do not want that. Your only hope of escape is to cry out to God by confessing your sin, and asking His forgiveness. For the sake of Jesus who freely shed His blood on your behalf, God will hear your prayer and forgive your sin. Call upon Him today. If you’d like to speak about it further, call me or send me an e-mail. My address is
I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!