I hope you had a good, safe week since we met last Monday. I had a good week. It was pretty much uneventful, but sometime that's good. Saturday was especially good. My son Jason came over and cut the grass. I always enjoy seeing him, even if he had to sweat and work. He's coming again this Saturday for Father's Day Dinner. Miss Bessie is making my favorite: Turkey, Dressing, and all my favorites. That will also include her world famous (at least it should be) cauliflour casserole. I wish all my kids could be there, but Amanda, Tim, and the grands live in Washington DC and is moving to Arizona and Kevin is an OTR truck driver and untelling where he will be. The plan is home to Cincy, but we'll see. Even though Father's day is Sunday, Saturday is less rushed. In a pastor's home, Sunday is hectic. That's probably why most preachers take Monday as an easy day.
Sunday was a great day at the Church. On Sunday morning I continued my Provoking God series. The message was provoking God To Sadness. We discovered that to provoke God to sadness, all one needs do is hurt His people. Provoking means "moving," but provoking is a good word because it means God will respond. If you are being afflicted by someone, or something, rest assured God knows about it and is saddened, also. AND, He will make things right. When? In His time, but He's always on time! Last week was Provoking God To Anger, while next week is Provoking God To Laughter. For a preacher, that one will be fun. Yes, I do have fun when I'm preaching. Way back in 1980, while I was preaching in Williamstown, Kentucky, a woman came up to me after the service and said, "You look like you really enjoy preaching. You look as if you're having fun." What a high compliment! I was touched by her words so that I remember them 30 years later.
Everything else is pretty much as it has been. The car and the laptop is both still broke, but Miss Bessie continues to heal, albeit very slowly. The Cooper's have so much to be thankful for and we do praise our Lord Jesus. We thank Him for you and for the ability to spend a few minutes together each Monday morning. Back in 1972 when I first began in the ministry, this would not be possible. Hallalujah for technology!
Have a good week and as Red Skelton used to say, "May God bless." I'll see you again next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!
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