The contest is over and I want to thank all who participated. I will announce the winner next week. I do need your help, though. If you subscribed as the result of someone telling you about this site, would you please E-mail me and verify who referred you. My address is Also, if you referred anyone, please let me know who you referred so I can check their E-address against the subscribers list.
Yesterday in Church I preached the first of a two part message called “Seeking God.” The three main points were as follows:
I. Seek the Kingdom of God. Matthew 6:33
II. Seeking God means seeking the good of others. 1 Cor. 10:24
III. “Seeking” could be a one word summation of the mission of Jesus. Luke 19:10
From point #2, I challenged our Church to an experiment. Upon arrival, each person 18 and older was given a blank slip of paper and asked to write their name and phone number. The slips were collected after I preached my second point into two baskets; one for the women, and one for the men. At the conclusion of the service the ladies would draw a ladies name, and the men would draw a man’s name. We are all going to do 1 Corinthians 10:24 which says, “Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well being.” (NKJV) I challenged each of us to do something special for the person whose name you drew. It could be something as simple as stopping by for a cup of coffee and a visit, or taking care of some chore for them. Maybe a snack at Dairy Queen, or a couple of sandwiches shared at a local park would be in order. Whatever is done, both parties will be blessed. Also the double blessing is each one gets to experience both the giving AND the receiving. As you chose a name, someone else chose yours. If you were not with us, you too can enter into the spirit of our experiment by choosing someone you know and doing something special for them. The Lord will bless you immensely I’m sure! If you do choose to try it, write me back and let me know how it went. I sure enjoy good testimonies as to God’s faithfulness in response to our obedience.
I do hope you have a good week, and that you stay safe and healthy. Feel free to send me an E-mail and tell me how you’re doing. I pray for each who allow me these Monday Morning With Pastor Vic visits. I’ll see you again next time----
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