Good Monday Morning to you. I do hope you have had a good week since we met last Monday. I also need to say Happy Labor day to you. Do you have plans for the day? Whatever your day holds, I hope you enjoy the day and stay safe in doing so. I had a very good week last week --- several blessings came my way. As you know I had to put my car in the shop yet again. Carl fixed it, and I went Tuesday afternoon to get it. I was telling Carl about the new Church, and he said somebody there must really love me. He said they came in and paid my bill. He did not (or would not) say who did it and no one is owning up to it. I made my thank yous in Church and just hope the generous party heard it. It was a real blessing to Bess and me. If you did it and are reading this, again my sincere thanks.
I received another blessing just after Church. My son, Kevin, before he left out on his trip, said for me to be careful with the riding mower and watch the incoming water line out behind the house. I told him I was a grown man and was quite capable of watching what I was doing and that I would not hit the water line. I hit the water line! From 6:00pm Saturday, until 2:00pm Sunday we had no water at the Cooper home. We used the hurricane water to bathe with standing at the sink. It wasn’t too bad, but much thanks goes out to Norman Mooney who came over and made a quick repair. I am so grateful for Christian friends who love their Pastor and who could help get the ox out of our ditch this past Lord’s day.
We had several visitors at our services today. Today was only our second service and the Holy Spirit’s presence was so real. I have not experienced this kind of freedom in my preaching in a long, long time.
This morning I preached the message, “Together In The Boat.” The sermon examined the fact that not only were the disciples together with one another in the boat, but they were also together with Jesus. We all experience storms in our lives, but just as the disciples were safe because Jesus was with them, we, too are safe if He is traveling with us. Is Jesus traveling in your boat? If not, He is waiting for you to invite Him onboard. If you need help with that, please feel free to speak to me. You can E-mail, or telephone me if you’d like. If the Lord Jesus is not onboard with you, I believe I’d get my boat to shore and not launch out again until He was with me.
Have a great week and I’ll look forward to seeing you again next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic.
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