I have some news I must share with you. It is my sad duty to report to you that this is the last Monday Morning With Pastor Vic you will receive this year. I know how devastated you must surely be, but take heart --- next week Monday Morning continues into 2011. Please control your emotions and let us get on with the serious stuff.
Did you have a nice Christmas? Did you get all the presents you wanted and were you able to stuff yourself with homemade fudge and chocolate chip cookies? Did you get to see the face of a child as he wandered sleepy-eyed into the room where hours earlier Santa had visited and had generously opened his magical sack of every toy conceivable? Did you look outside and see the star shining? Wait a minute preacher, what star? Once again, as at that first Christmas, the star came and nobody noticed.
Is the star of Bethlehem still in the heavens, and is it still shining? Possibly it is, but I’m not an astronomer, so I do not know. As a student of theology, my answer would be “No, it is no longer there.” Just as God prepared a special fish to house Jonah for three days and three nights, He also prepared a star to point the way to the place where the new born baby Messiah was lying. This was not the first time God used a celestial display to guide someone. In Exodus chapter thirteen we read where God sent a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night to lead the children of Israel. The two pillars, the whale, the star; these things are called revelators - they reveal something. That something was a route: the route to the will of God. It was God’s will that the wise men found the young Jesus. By following His revelator, what we refer to as the star of Bethlehem, they found the will of God for their lives. God’s will was for these men to find the Messiah. It is God’s will for people today to find the Messiah, the Christ as well. The trouble is, that even at the time of hearing Christmas carols being played on the radio, and over the speakers of many department stores, people miss it. They are so busy with buying, wrapping, and exchanging gifts, and baking, serving, and gorging on treats, that just outside their window the star shines, but nobody sees it.
God has a revelator for you but you must watch and listen for It. That “It,” is none other than the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus said of Him that He would, “… guide [us] into all truth.” (John 16:13) During this triune holiday season, we now have two down, and one to go. God does not want you to NOT enjoy the time with family and friends, but He also does not want you to miss out on a word from Him. Moses told his rather large flock to, “Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD.” Sometime in the midst of all the busyness, we need to just stop, look out the window, and search for the star. It’s there shining as bright as ever, but you will miss it if you do not look for it. The wise men were looking for the star. Are you looking for it?
Whatever plans you have for the New Year’s celebration, by all means stay safe. I want to visit with you again next week. To you and yours, have a happy and a Christ filled New Year. from the entire Cooper family now scattered from Arizona, to Nebraska, to Ohio, to Florida.
I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic.
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