I do hope you’ve had a great week since last Monday. Last week Miss Bessie and I stopped at Pastor Bob and Wanda Felber’s home at about noon. Bob and Wanda fried up some eggs, sausage, and apples. We also had biscuits and gravy. This was our dinner. Dinner is what you city folk call lunch. Fancy city folk call it luncheon. Whatever, I’ll bet our dinner beat your cold bologna sandwich lunch. It was delicious. Thanks Bob and Wanda.
Things have settled down here. My son, Kevin, an over the road truck driver, came home in early January. He was supposed to be here briefly, but came down with a case of strep throat. It took two rounds of antibiotics to clear it. He left last Friday and by the time you read this will be pulling into a terminal in Chicago. He’s already made stops in Atlanta and Memphis. This time is different though. This time he left his traveling companion, a miniature schnauzer named Bubba here with us. Our family is partial to dogs in the terrier family, especially schnauzers. Bubba was a rescue dog - he had been treated badly by his former owner. Kevin picked him up in Lexington, Ky. and kept him with him on the truck since last April. With the exception of a few days at home last August, those two have crossed this country ever since. It was decided that Bubba needed some time around other people and animals, so he is home with us. Frazier and Bubba play well, but the cats are still undecided. Bubba is adjusting and doing well, but Pastor Vic is having a hard time keeping up with “the boys.” My cardiologist said I needed exercise, and these two are certainly seeing to it that I get it. They sure are fun - and great company.
For the fourth week in a row we beat an attendance record at Friendship Harmony. It just keeps growing and growing. God gets all the glory for it! I pray our Church continues to receive His blessings, and that we continue to remain worthy of them. I know we are not worthy, but the LORD is blessing the faithfulness of His people. What a tremendous blessing it is.
Our constitution service is just two weeks away on February 13. That will be an awesome day. If you are in the area, be sure you come by and be with us. A fellowship meal will follow the service. If you are not here, why not take some vacation time and come down. I promise you it will be well worth your time. I’m trying to convince my Mom to come down for a visit. Let’s think about this: Cincinnati in February -- 2 degrees and snow and ice on the ground. Pine Island in February -- 72 degrees and the ice is in our lemonade. It is a no brainer, she should come and so should many of you.
Yesterday at Friendship Harmony I preached “The Preaching Of The Cross” from 1 Corinthians 1:17-19. We talked about how the fact of some man living two thousand years ago and dying on a cross to forgive us of our sins is illogical and absurd. Really it is until you stop and consider just who it was that died on that cross. It was the sinless, holy, Son of Almighty God. The cross doesn’t make the difference, but the one hanging there does. Paul was saying that a proper preaching of the cross must include Christ Jesus. The gospel is the good news of the living Christ. Crucified to death? Yes. Dead still? Absolutely not! He is risen, alive, and seated at the right hand of the Father. The good news is because He is alive, a person who is dead in their sins can live as well. It is Christ who makes them alive. Paul would later tell the Corinthians in this same letter that Christ, (the last Adam) “…was made a quickening spirit.” (1 Corinthians 15:45b) Paul would tell the Ephesians’ Church, “And you hath He quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.” (Ephesians 2:1) The Greek word for quickened literally means to reanimate; i.e. to bring back to life. When Christ saved you, He made you alive. Heaven is not the place where dead folk go; it is where the living go! Have you been made alive by the power of Jesus Christ? Only He can make you alive. He does it by forgiving your sins and adopting you into His family. Remember: a dead child cannot be adopted, only a living one. Every person that Christ receives to Himself, has been made alive by His power. If you are unsure about this, why not send Pastor Vic a message, and lets discuss it further.
May the LORD bless your upcoming week with good health and Heavenly blessings. Thank you for letting me visit with you each week. I really enjoy it. I hope you do too! I look forward to seeing you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic.
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