Happy Valentine’s Day. Thank you so much for letting me share a few minutes of this day with you. Do you remember when you were a kid in school and you passed out cheesy cards to everyone in your class. You gave one to everyone --- kids you liked and kids you didn’t. I grew up a city boy, so it was not uncommon to have a class with 40 people in it. Many of those kids, you knew who they were, but you did not really play together. Still, everyone got a card, and you got one from everybody. Ahh, childhood memories. I don’t know about you, but I had a great childhood - my parents saw to it. I didn’t get everything I wanted, but I had everything I needed. As I said, I’m a big city boy. I grew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati. I like the city. I like the big city conveniences, and the big city opportunities. So where do I live now? In the country, literally back in the woods. My grandson, Nathan, used to call it “grandpa’s forest.” One day when he came for a visit, we took him and his little sister, my granddaughter, Layne, to the beach to play in the Gulf of Mexico. I asked them if they wanted to play in grandpa’s ocean. For quite a while they just knew their grandpa owned the Gulf of Mexico. Since I claimed ownership, I wonder if I should file a claim against BP? Very intriguing thought.
We had a very good day at Friendship Harmony yesterday. It was the day we formally adopted our constitution and recognized our charter members. I’m proud and indeed blessed to announce that 48 people became charter members. On hand to help us celebrate was Bro. Everett Rafferty, Director of Missions for the Royal Palm Association of Baptists, Sister Jennifer Horton, his administrative assistant, and Bro. Keith Lancaster from the Church Planting Division of The Florida Baptist Convention. These three people have been instrumental in helping Friendship Harmony move from a group of people meeting together for a worship service each week, to a fully functioning, fully operational New Testament Baptist Church. Thank you Everett, Jennifer, and Keith. Of course, all praise goes to Almighty God for His blessings upon our Church. Without the LORD’s aid, none of it could be possible. If I started listing all the blessings, we’d be here all day. The best blessing is the 48 souls He has entrusted into our care. There are others who faithfully attend as well, and they too are loved and appreciated. If everyone could be there at once, we would have more than 60 people attending. Several were sick yesterday and could not attend, but it was an awesome day.
Another of our blessings that I told you I would make known at the service yesterday was the addition of 75 new hymnals. These hymnals were donated to us by the Living Waters Community Church of Bonita Springs, Florida. These books were purchased new by them, then very soon thereafter they decided to project the words onto a screen. The hymnals were packed away and put into a shed. From there, through several more channels, they were donated to us. We certainly thank the LORD for them. Also, we were blessed with a new sign. It looks nice, and should serve our needs for a good long while.
Next week, I’ll tell you a little more about our constitution service. If you were there, you know what a fine time with the LORD it surely was. I cannot thank Him enough for being there not only with us, but for us. God’s presence is a blessing I never want us to take for granted, nor lose. Without Christ, there is no Friendship Harmony Baptist Church. Stay safe this week and be well. I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic.
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