First, to answer a question many of you have asked: What happened to the Monday Morning Blog last week? On Thursday of last week Bess and I left for a two day conference sponsored by the Florida Baptist Convention. It was very good, but rained cats and dogs the whole time. I had planned to write the blog on down time, but I was exhausted after each daily session. On top of that, the motel had no internet service. We spent a few days on the road and went to stay in some friends of ours condo in Moncks Corner, South Carolina. We got to go and visit Charleston S.C. From genealogical searches my daughter Amanda and I have done, we think the Coopers first came to this country through Charleston. We know that two families of Coopers came ashore here. The first was an aristocratic family, who was part of the House of Lords in the British Parliament. They were wealthy land barons. The Cooper River was named after them. The second family was servants; not slaves, but servants. What I need to find out is were we descendants from the group that got off the boat with their noses stuck up in the air, or were we the ones carrying the luggage. I can tell you at this point, it does not look good.
Friendship Harmony had two good services while we were away. I heard that yesterday’s service was very good. My thanks to our Director of Missions, Everett Rafferty, for sharing the names of these pinch hitting pastors. Our people had good comments to say about both. I do not have their notes to share with you, but I have reached back to last September to the second message I ever preached at Friendship Harmony. It was called Together In The Boat. I wanted our people to know that this new ship we found ourselves in had Jesus on board with us. With Jesus on board, no harm can befall you. Here are those notes.
Together In The Boat
Mark 4:35-41
By Victor Cooper
Intro: As you navigate the seas of life is Jesus together with you in your boat? He was with His disciples in their boat, and even in a fierce hurricane type storm, because they were together with him, everything turned out fine.
I. They were together in their efforts. V37
A. Several of them were experienced shipmen.
1. Undoubtedly they tried to handle it.
2. This is not necessarily a bad thing.
A. God gave you the ability to learn what you know. He expects you to use it.
B. Some situations are outside your realm of expertise.
B. The Bible does not elaborate on how hard they tried, but they were together in agreement, “We cannot handle this!”
1. They were correct. Jesus addresses the storm using the same words He used to cast out demons.
2. Jesus likely knew this storm was satanic in origin.
Cf. Job 1:19 And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men…
II. They were together in their prayer. V38
A. Hear their desperation in their cry.
B. Their prayer was an attempt at manipulation.
1. They attempted to shame the Lord into delivering them from the storm.
2. A simple, “Help us Lord we’re perishing and we don’t know what to do,” would have been sufficient.
C. Jesus honored their unity of prayer. Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
III. They were together in their growth. v40
A. Jesus questioned their cowardice.
B. It was a great object lesson in faith.
C. Jesus taught them that as long as He is onboard all will be well.
IV. They were together in their worship. V41
A. In stilling the storm Jesus assumed the authority exercised only by God in the Old Testament (cf. Pss. 89:8-9; 104:5-9; 106:8-9; 107:23-32).
—Bible Knowledge Commentary
B. They would soon know in their hearts what they now knew in their heads!
Conclusion: Are you together with Jesus onboard your boat? If not, why not invite Him aboard! All He is waiting for is an invitation from you.
I hope you have a good week. I will tell you a bit more about our trip into the Carolinas next week. I’ll even tell you how I found myself in Virginia, quite unprepared for. I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!
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