Good Monday Morning To You!
One final time in 2011, let me, wish you a merry Christmas. How was your Christmas? As I sit writing this, it is still Christmas at about 8:30 pm. Officially there is less than four hours of Christmas remaining. Next week is New Year’s Day --- 2012 will begin. When I was a boy, 2012 was so far into the future, that it was never even considered. Now, it is six days away, and suddenly it takes up a lot of space in my thinking.
2011 has been a good year for me personally, and professionally. On the personal side, even though there was a bump in the road, I’ve come out of it better. I’m better physically, and spiritually. Physically, my heart is good and strong. My doctors are using such phrases as, “doing much better than expected,” and “this report is very good.” The dieting and exercising are tough, and quite frankly some days I don’t want to do them, but hearing the good words from the physicians and the cardiac rehab team at Cape Coral Hospital make it all worthwhile. Plus, I feel great!
Professionally, Friendship Harmony Baptist Church has been a real blessing in my life. I told the crowd at our Christmas Eve Service, that I wish I would have started our Church twenty years ago. God had perfect timing, though, and this Church came along at the right time in the right place. Our Church is farther along at just a little over a year old than is many churches that have been around much longer. To God be the glory! If an interviewer were to ask me what has the Church and I done to bring about such phenomenal blessings, I’d have to honestly say that our Lord has done it all, we’ve just been along for the ride. I believe that as long as Friendship Harmony follows the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg --- even greater days lie ahead in the not too distant future.
Last Wednesday, seven of us from FHBC visited the Sovereign Grace Church of the Brethren in North Fort Myers. I have known the Pastor, Bob Chapman, for nearly twenty years. I was invited to lead in the Communion part of the service. It was a real joy to be part of that service. Bro. Chapman’s congregation was so gracious to us, and made us all feel right at home. I hope we as a Church can fellowship with these good people again in the future.
As I mentioned earlier, we had a Christmas Eve service this past Saturday night. It was a traditional service with the singing of carols, a sermon preached in two parts by two different preachers, and an offering collected for foreign missions. For those of you who might not know how we as Southern Baptists support missions, let me introduce you to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Lottie Moon was an American missionary to China, long before the Communist take over. She dearly loved and cared for the people of China. Her example of warmth, grace, compassion, and a zeal for sharing Christ is what Southern Baptists try to emulate today. Part of how that is done is through this special offering. Every cent collected goes to the support of international missions; no administrative fees are received. If you would like to be a part of this outstanding and most efficient missions offering, you can mail a check made payable to Friendship Harmony Baptist Church. On the memo line, write “Lottie Moon.” Do it quickly though, we will only be collecting the offering through January 8th. Offerings can be mailed to FHBC; 2296 Date Street; St. James City, Florida; 33956
Next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic will see each of us in the year 2012. Have a good, safe, and joyous week. I hope that as you look back on 2011, you will forget the bad and focus on the blessings and the good. My prayer for your 2012 is that it is exciting, joyous, and filled with many blessings from above. Seek it! You’ll find it! (Matthew 7:7)
I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!