Good Monday Morning to You!
Are you ready for Christmas? Ready or not in just six days we celebrate the birth of Christ. Now I realize His birthday is probably not December 25. It is more likely a spring time event. Shepherds were not in the fields in December. However, whenever it was, I do not think Jesus minds when we celebrate it, just so it is done with grateful hearts. He came to our world as one of us to be our Redeemer and Lord, so go on and celebrate it. Enjoy your time with family and friends, just don’t get so wrapped up in the festivities that you forget about Him. I know you know all of this. I know I’m, “preachin’ to the choir.” However, I also believe a gentle reminder is good for all of us, Pastor Vic included, from time to time.
I wish you could have been with us at Friendship Harmony Baptist Church yesterday. Our day started with sister Brenda Conley teaching one of the best lessons I’ve ever heard on Abraham preparing to sacrifice his son Isaac. What a blessing it was to hear her comments and the ensuing discussion. The worship service was tremendous. It is always joyous when we sing the Christmas carols. They are some of the most uplifting and Scriptural songs in the hymnal. One song we sang, “O come, Emmanuel,” is actually sung in the style of a Georgian chant. That was fun.
For the message, I concluded the two part series, “Life’s Purpose,” looking at the life and ministry of John the Baptist. John was a unique man and was a link between the Old and New Testaments. Jesus declared him to be a prophet –that’s Old Testament – yet he preached Jesus – that’s New Testament. Did you also realize that John the Baptist was the first person to be filled with the Holy Spirit while still in the womb? In Old Testament times the Holy Spirit did not indwell. He came upon people to aid them as they accomplished something for the LORD, then departed. Old Testament – New Testament! As believers we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit at the moment of our salvation, and He remains until we are ushered into the presence of the Father at the time of our glorification, ie: our death.
The notes are included below. I hope they help in your study of God’s word.
Life’s Purpose, By Victor Cooper
From Luke 3:1, Various
Intro: In part one in Luke 1 we saw John’s lineage (v 5), upbringing (v 6), history (v 11, 12), and purpose (v 13, 14.) That put John into a good position to fulfill his purpose. As he fulfilled it, we note he had the right message, the right motive, the right moment, the right method, and the right movement.
I. John had the right message v 2 – “…the word of God.”
a. V 3 – He was not preaching baptismal regeneration – ie: salvation by baptism.
i. He was preaching be immersed in repentance.
ii. Repentance is a turning “from – to.”
iii. To be immersed in it means to be totally sold on it. You accept no other way. Example –
Grant Smith: Topic Repentance 10409 – Encyclopedia of 15,000 Illustrations.
British detective Grant Smith was sentenced to a three year prison term after confessing to Scotland Yard he had planted drugs and other evidence on four men in order to brighten his promotion chances. All four had been convicted. As a result of Smith’s confession, all four were given pardons to clear their names. Smith turned himself in shortly after becoming an elder in our evangelical congregation. “I want to be totally committed to Christ,” he told authorities. “I feel I cannot do that until I have come to terms with my fellow man.”
b. V 4 – “Prepare” –key word
i. In that day if a king was coming, the roads were smoothed and curves taken out. (v 5)
II. John had the right motive. V 15-17
a. He could have grabbed the glory and claimed to be the Messiah.
b. He could have said, “Christ is my cousin. Our family has come to save you. Come follow us.”
c. He displayed humility and grace.
d. He let them know it was not about him, it was about Jesus. Read John 3:28,30
III. John had the right moment. John 1:6, 7
a. He had the call and he responded – then; not later. John 3:38
i. John could not afford to delay – the timing was impeccable.
b. Jabez prayed for the right moment.
1 Chronicles 4:10 “….enlarge my coat…” includes give me the right moment.
IV. John had the right method. V 4 (back to Luke 3)
a. (v 4-6) He preached, ie: proclaimed.
b. (v 8a) He challenged
c. (v 9) He warned
d. (v 10-14) He taught
e. He was following a pattern later recorded by Paul in 2 Timothy 4:1-5
1. preach
2. be instant (right moment) – From a Greek word meaning, to be present.
3. reprove
4. rebuke –forbid.
5. exhort – to invite; to call near; to encourage.
V. John’s reward was the right movement. Matt 3:5,6
a. It was the planned result.
b. It was the expected result.
c. It was the honored result.
i. Jesus said, Luke 7:28 A
For I say unto you, among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist:
ii. Your reward – Luke 7:28 B
but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.
We’ll meet again the day after Christmas so from the entire Cooper family, all fifteen of us, Merry Christmas to all of you and your families. I’ll see you next week on Monday Morning with Pastor Vic.
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