We are beginning another small group next week. It will be a study of “Prominent Women of the Bible.” This group will meet on Mondays at the home of Gail Mooney. This will make our fifth functioning small group. It is just so wonderful to see what the LORD is doing here at FHBC! A sixth group is in the works and may start soon. Friendship Harmony reminds me of the little train that could. Even though slightly over a year ago, we were unsure as to if we could plant a successful church, the LORD blessed and next month we celebrate our first year as a constituted, fully functioning Church. If it sounds like I bragging, you’re right --- I am. I’m bragging on Jesus. He is the reason our Church was founded. He alone is our reason for being there. He is the one who is bringing it all to pass, not me, nor anyone else in our group. Yes, we have many dedicated workers at Friendship Harmony, but to God be the glory. Some of our folk might not even consider themselves as Church workers. They simply go about inviting and bringing visitors. How important is that? Try to build a church without it; you cannot. When members get excited about the LORD and their church, wonderful things begin to happen. The LORD starts blessing. I’ve told our people to invite, invite, invite, and never give up on inviting. Those you invite might never come, but God will send someone. Our job is to invite: God’s is to bring the increase. (1 Cor. 3:6)
We are doing a prophecy series at Friendship Harmony. Yesterday we looked at the Rapture. Next week we will examine what happens to the believer after that. I’m sorry that I could not publish any sermon notes this week; there were none. For my text, I preached an expository of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. If you want to study this further, let me know and I will recommend some good material to you.
Have a good and a safe week. If you’re up north, stay warm, if you’re here in Southwest Florida, stay cool. I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!
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