Good Monday Morning To You; again, from Cincinnati!
I have an announcement to make. The Monday Morning Blog is now reaching more than 9,000 people per month. We are actually closer to 9,100. Can you imaging someone like me reaching over 9,000 people per month? It literally boggles my mind. All I can say is, “To God Be The Glory!” It seems like since our group formed the Friendship Harmony Baptist Church, the LORD’s blessings just keep pouring in. It is totally awesome to get to join God at what He is doing rather than trying to convince Him to join us. I believe if the Apostle Paul had internet access, he would use it extensively.
I’ve told you in past blogs I have some exciting visions for the near future. Let me share them with you. The first is to add video through “you tube,” or some other means. Then, wherever you are, you will be able to hear and see the preaching. The second is to add online giving by a secured means. Some have already asked about this, and I will be meeting with our financial team to make it a reality. Who knows what the LORD has in mind for us? I believe the Savior wants us to use every means at our disposal to promote His Kingdom. Our Church cannot do everything, nor has it been called to. However, we can do what we can, and I really believe the LORD wants us to reach out into the electronic world.
Our first need, logically, is a digital video camera. I’m working with some people from the Florida Baptist Convention, and they tell me we can get a good camera for $300-$500 dollars. Obviously we can spend less, but the quality of both the video and the audio would be poor. I’m not trying to be as fancy as CBS, but I refuse to broadcast what I consider an embarrassment to Jesus Christ. I’m sure you’ve seen church broadcasts that were grainy, with poor lighting, and sound that you could barely hear. I absolutely will not give Jesus second rate, poor quality. We could also spend much more for some super fine equipment but that would be a waste of money at the moment.
Do you believe in this vision? Is this something that you would be willing to watch from time to time? Would you be willing to help us purchase the equipment? I thought about not asking, but then I realized that many of you would want to share in this ministry as well. The Bible says in James 4:2b
“…ye have not, because ye ask not. “ So, I’m asking. Will you share in this project? If you could send a check of any size, make it payable to Friendship Harmony Baptist Church; 2296 Date Street; St. James City, Florida 33956. On the “memo” line write “video.” If we receive more than we need, we will keep it for the future use of the video ministry. Either way, you will be able to share in the blessings that come from joining this undertaking, plus you will be able to be at Friendship Harmony whenever you choose. Also, so will the 9,000 others who will benefit. Rest assured if you give, as with all gifts to Friendship Harmony, I will have no knowledge of who gives what. I believe the pastor should have no access to church money whatsoever. This philosophy has guided my ministry for the entire forty years I have been preaching.
Take care of yourself this week, and thank you for being so faithful in reading this blog. If it blesses you, be sure to tell others about it. I can’t wait until we reach 10,000 readers. For those on Pine Island, I will return to the pulpit this coming Sunday morning. The sermon title will be, “A Saint Or An Ain’t.” It comes from Psalm 16, so be sure to read that passage. The following week will be, “When God Gives A Promise.”
I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!
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