What a fine Bible Conference Bess and I were able to attend this past week. We heard good preaching, good singing, witnessed the antics of a Christian comedian, and enjoyed a worship service led by David Crain from Grand Saline, Texas. If David Crain is ever within driving distance of where you are, be sure to go hear this fine man. He writes his own music, and what a tremendous gift God has given him. You can learn more about David, and see his schedule at www.Davidcrain.com.
Yesterday at Friendship Harmony, we were privileged to have Bro. Marvin Sams preach for us. Brother Sams has pastored two churches in the southwest part of Ohio that I visited back when I traveled and sang Gospel Music. One church was in Oxford, Ohio where I attended Miami University. It was good to hear him preach. He preached a very powerful message on personal revival. He said that America can only be revived, or a church can only be revived if the individual is revived. Friendship Harmony was blessed indeed having this man as our special preacher. He and I know many of the same people from back in Ohio. In fact, I was his aunt’s pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Norwood, Ohio.
I’ll give you a brief update on the video ministry. The equipment has been purchased, and we are securing the services of someone experienced with this kind of thing. We want to do this right, so we’re going to take our time and be properly educated as to the technical end of internet broadcast. Our goal is to be up and running by Thanksgiving. I’ll keep you posted on our progress.
As I said, I did not preach yesterday, but I have included some sermon notes from back in 2008. As always, you are free to use these notes for your personal Bible study, or in a Sunday School or small group setting.
The Value Of A Good Woman ©
Proverbs 31:10-12
By: Victor Cooper
June 17, 2008
Proverbs 31:10-12 (NLT) Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies. [11] Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. [12] She will not hinder him but help him all her life.
These three points concerning the qualities of a good wife are noble goals that all women, married or not, all men, and all young people would do well to try to copy for their lives.
I. She is a dedicated woman.
A. She is dedicated to her family.
1. God instituted the family long before He instituted the Church.
B. She is dedicated to God.
1. Dedicate = def. Gk. qudash; to pronounce clean
2. Psalm 30:1 I will extol thee, O Lord; for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me.
a. thou hast lifted me up - thou hast pronounced me clean; thou hast dedicated me
C. To whatever else she becomes part of, she is dedicated to it.
D. A synonym used in several translations of Scriptures for dedicated is devoted.
1. The difference between the two words is only slight;
a. dedication has to do with action from a sense of duty while
b. devotion has to do with action from a sense of love. Both combined make her more precious than rubies!
II. She is a dependable woman.
A. Her word is her bond.
B. v11 Her husband can trust her
1. He is the closest person in the world - if he can trust her, everyone else can trust her.
2. Even God can trust her. We often speak of the importance of trusting God, but it is also important that He can trust us.
REMEMBER: She is more precious than rubies!
III. She is a delightful woman.
A. v25 She is a pleasure to be around. She can laugh.
1. She is happy, joyful, positive and upbeat, without being silly.
B. v20 She cares for others.
C. Being such a person makes her more precious than rubies.
Conclusion: Proverbs 31:30 (NLT) Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
May the LORD bless your upcoming week. The LORD willing, this coming Sunday morning, I will preach part three of our four part series called “Peripateo.” If you did not get the notes for parts one and/or two, just scroll down and you’ll see them from two and three weeks ago. Stay healthy and safe, and I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic.
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