Let me begin by speaking to the men. Is your wife a prophet? Mine is. This past week I was working on a four point message titled “Coming With His Coming.” Miss Bessie asked me what I was preaching, and I told her a four point message. She said, “Do you mean a four part series?” I told her that it would be one message with four main points. She said, “No it won’t. You’ll preach a series.” This was her prophecy. I said, “No, not this time.” She stated that I would. I told her she was mistaken and set out to prove it. When all the sermonizing was complete and it was time to preach, I preached part one in a four part series called, “Coming With His Coming.” The Prophet Bessie was right again!
Yesterday was an awesome day at Friendship Harmony. We had a good service, and one came forward requesting Baptism and church membership. We welcome Bro. Tom into our fellowship.
Now, getting back to those notes I told you about, here is part one called, “The Coming Day.” I hope they are a blessing to you. The video will be available Tuesday afternoon. To view it go to www.youtube.com. From their homepage type in Friendship Harmony Baptist Church, then select the message you wish to see. Yesterday’s was, “Coming With His Coming.”
Coming With His Coming
Acts 1:9-11
Second Coming Series 1 of 4 By Victor Cooper
Intro: The Bible clearly affirms in many passages that Jesus is coming again. What happens with that coming?
#1 The Coming Day
I. The day of His coming will glorious for believers.
A. The day begins at the rapture of the church and will be the greatest day believers have ever seen.
Read I Thessalonians 4:13-18
1. The dead will be raised.
2. The living will be changed.
B. Believers will be in the presence of Christ. Read Revelation 4:1
1. A door is open in Heaven. Remember an open door is an invitation to enter.
2. The trumpet call in voice. This is what Paul spoke about in
I. Thessalonians 4:16-18.
3. These are the things John experienced, but are a picture of things to come for God’s children when the great day of the Lord begins.
II. That day begins a time known as the Tribulation and will be the most devastating time this earth has ever seen.
Malachi 4:1 (read)
A. The Anti-Christ is revealed. 2 Thess. 2:8-9
B. The Lord will laugh at the wicked. Psalm 37:13.
C. A cleansing is coming. Malachi 3:2
The question for the week comes from a reader who asked if a Pastor had to be ordained, and where was I ordained and when. Although ordination is not an absolute requirement, for legal reasons a man should be. Many states require a minister to be ordained in order to solemnize a wedding, and hospitals prefer ordination in order to receive clergy privileges. I was ordained by the Georgetown Baptist Church in Georgetown, Ohio in November of 1973. It was a special time for me, but I could feel the weight of responsibility as I undertook a lifelong commitment to serving Christ through the church. Don’t forget if you have a Biblical question, send it to me at fhbcsjc@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
I am told that many of you up north are experiencing some pretty bad weather. It looks like Old Man Winter wants to make one last attempt before he gives way to spring. Please stay safe, warm, and dry. I don’t want to hear about any accidents involving any of you. I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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