Bess and I are back from our trip. It was a pleasant trip, but cold in places that normally do not get cold in early August, and quite wet. I never dreamed I’d need a sweater, but it definitely would have made life more comfortable. I tried both Wal Mart and K Mart to find one, but both stores said they would not be stocking them until early September. It is nice to be back in Florida! Even though it was a trip of family business and not pleasure, we did get to visit the Seaquarium in Miami, Florida.
Ever since Miss Bessie was a little girl, she has wanted to swim with the dolphins. For her it would be a dream come true. Several years ago she was in the Gulf of Mexico swimming and dolphins were close by, but those had no human contact. However, at the Miami Seaquarium, they have several different dolphin encounters a person can choose from. You can do a thirty minute swim with them, up to spending an entire day with the trainers, assisting them in their duties. Bess took the thirty minute swim which also included a thirty minute training session on dolphin interaction. I was allowed to come in as an observer, and it was quite interesting. I want you to know that Miss Bessie had the time of her life. She is still on cloud nine! She was with three male dolphins named Abeco, Echo, and Riley. I couldn’t tell one from another, but the trainers tell me they have sixteen dolphins and they know each of them by name. One thing really impressed us about the Miami Seaquarium: the animals and their trainers genuinely seemed to love one another. Whether it was the dolphins, the whales, the birds, or the other animals, both human and animal absolutely cared for one another. It was good to know that these animals were not being exploited for monetary gain, but were loved and properly cared for.
Bess got to shake hands with the dolphins, as well as hug them, pet them, and even kiss them. She was also allowed to give a command which the dolphin obeyed. Bess was excited to get to hand feed them, but the biggest thrill of all was getting to hold onto Echo’s fin, and have him carry her across the large pool. Bess is an excellent swimmer, but I told her Echo moved her across the water faster than she ever had on her own. She said the entire day was the thrill of a lifetime. It was quite exhilarating for me as well to see her enjoying her time with her three dolphins! We have pictures. If I can ever learn how to upload them, I’ll share a few of them with you.
Yesterday was a really good day at Friendship Harmony. We had a guest speaker, Bro. Ricky Boyton, preaching for us. I’ve known Ricky for just a short while, but I can tell you he is a fine Christian and an excellent preacher. Our people, Pastor Vic included, really enjoyed and benefited from his message. He spoke about the goodness of God from Psalm 107:1-2. Several people asked if we could have him back again, and I’d be honored if he would return. Ricky also brought his wife, Angela, and their daughter, Olivia, with him. Ricky surprised me by saying he will be taking my class on Human Geography of Bible Peoples beginning later this evening at the Southwest Florida Bible Institute. I believe he will be a fine addition to the class.
Thanks for reading the blog. I appreciate you so very much. May I ask a favor from you? Would you remember Friendship Harmony Baptist Church as well as the Cooper family in your prayers? It means so much to know that good, Godly people all over the globe are praying. If we can pray specifically for you, let us know. You can send your request to We at FHBC would be honored to pray for you. I promise you if you’d like your name and request kept confidential, I will honor your request. Have a good and safe week, and I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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