I hope your past week was healthy and happy. As I told you a few months ago, I was asked to join the faculty at the Southwest Florida Bible Seminary in Port Charlotte, Florida. Our first semester ends today, and tonight my students will take their final exam. It is a one question exam, but it is an essay test. Last week I gave the class three questions to study. They were told that on exam night they would see two of them, and they were to pick one and answer it as thoroughly as possible. I told them that a short paragraph would not suffice, and that giving me too much information was better than handing in too little. I have good students, so I am expecting great answers from them. So that you can see what I am teaching, I have included the three questions. I cannot at this time divulge which two questions will be on the test, but this gives you an idea of what I taught this past semester.
1. Why did Philip and Alexander attack Persia? What led to Alexander’s success? Give 5 reasons for Persia’s fall. Discuss the make-up of Alexander’s army.
2. Was the Babylonian king supreme throughout the entire kingdom? If not, where was he, and where was he not. How did Babylonian government work. Why was it this way?.
3. What contributed to the apparent invincibility of the Assyrians? What made them so effective? What was capture and life like under Assyrian authority?
For semester two we will be looking at Egypt, Israel, and the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3 of The Book Of The Revelation.
Yesterday was a good day at Friendship Harmony. The message was from Matthew 15:21-28. As I sometime do, I used no notes, so I have none to share. You can, however, view the video at www.facebook.com/friendshipharmony. It should be ready by late Monday or Tuesday morning. In the message we saw the proper way to approach Jesus. He is to be approached with faith, with humility, with perseverance, and with respect. Exercising these four things allowed Jesus to tell the woman, “Great is thy faith.” Would Jesus say that of you? If not, ask Him to help you --- He gladly will!
May God bless you this week, Have a good and a safe week. I want to see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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