Good Monday Morning To You!!
I hope you have had a good and a safe week. Let me say Happy Memorial Day to you from all of us here at Friendship Harmony. When I was a boy it was known as Decoration Day? Does anyone else remember that? Every year my parents would load up the car and head for “down home.” For us, down home was Harlan County, Kentucky. We would go to the graves and “decorate.” My Mamaw and Papaw Cooper were buried in a family plot on top of Little Black Mountain. The hike up the mountain was through thick brush on a copperhead infested hillside. Each year it became more and more difficult until dad finally said we could not go up there any more. Those graves were grown over and abandoned until just a few years ago when the State of Kentucky put a road in. I have not seen it, but I’m told the graves look nice, are well kept, and you can drive up to them. I’d like to see them one day.
Yesterday was a super day at Friendship Harmony. The attendance was good and the presence of God’s Spirit was evident. With it being Memorial Day weekend, we sang patriotic songs. We started with Abraham Lincoln’s favorite hymn, “The Battle Hymn Of The Republic.” I too have always liked that song. For our offertory, our pianist played “The Star Spangled Banner,” We followed that by pledging to the American Flag. It was a very moving and enjoyable service.
Last week we looked at death from a practical standpoint. The three points were: The pain of separation; The hope of expectation; The joy of jubilation. This week we look at death again, but this time from a theological standpoint. The message can be seen on our internet video ministry. You can see it at Remember, you do not need a Facebook account to access the videos. This week’s video should be ready by tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. I hope the videos are a blessing to you.
Thank you for being so dedicated to both our written blog and our videos. We do them with the desire to serve our Lord Jesus Christ, and to be a blessing to each of you. Be sure to contact us from time to time; we love hearing from you. Our E-mail address is
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