Cooler weather has come to us here in Florida. The morning temps are in the low 70's and daytime highs in the mid to upper 80's. The humidity is down, and it simply feels good outside. How is your weather? From what I here, it is a bit cooler up north. Kevin, my trucker son, saw ice on the roads last week in Montana. Fall has arrived, and that means many of our winter visitors are getting ready to migrate south for the winter. For those of you coming down, please be safe on the roads; its a jungle out there.
Last Friday I started my cardiac rehab at Cape Coral Hospital. I did one hour of various exercises. When I was finished, I felt like I had trained with the Cincinnati Bengals. I could hardly walk out of the building. I didn't realize I was so out of shape! I remember when I was training with the Norwood High School Baseball team back in '72. I was in tip top shape then. I'll never get back to where I was at age 17, but they tell me, I will strengthen over the course of these rehab sessions. The hardest thing for me was the treadmill. I walked at one mile per hour for a total of just over four minutes. They told me that wasn't bad for a rookie. The lady next to me was going at an extremely faster clip, and had already done ten minutes. It is not so much that I mind being bested by a woman, but she looked to be about 112 years old. All I can say is, “Go granny, go granny, go granny go!”
Last Wednesday a group of us were privileged to visit the Beth Yeshua Messianic Synagogue for their Rosh Hashanah service. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish equivalent of our New Year's day. It is the beginning of their civil new year. It was a very good service, and our people enjoyed it tremendously. This coming Friday, we have been invited to come and observe Yom Kippur with them. Yom Kippur is also known as the day of atonement, and for the Jews, this is a major holiday. It is not like our Easter, but it has that kind of importance. Next Monday morning, I'll let you know more about that service.
As you have heard me say many times before, yesterday was another great day at Friendship Harmony. I have been preaching a series of sermons on Spiritual Cardiology. We have looked at what a sinner's heart looks like and what a backslider's heart looks like. Yesterday we looked at what a good heart looks like. Next Monday morning I'll share those notes with you. It seems I have misplaced the memory stick I used to store them. These “senior moments” are starting to get ridiculous. I wish I could have my secretary Teri back. She did all my remembering for me. She's a great christian lady and I miss her both personally and professionally. If I find it before next week, I'll send a mid week edition with those notes.
Until then, have a good week and I'll see you Next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!
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