I trust you have had a good week since we last visited. Our snowbirds are beginning their southerly migration. We are always glad to see them return because we miss the fellowship with them during the summer. If there could really be a Jeanie in a bottle that could grant wishes, mine would be for year round fellowship with all our winter friends. I suppose that is selfish of me, but I really enjoy the time spent with them. Any of you folk that are getting ready to head south, have a safe trip and we'll see you soon!
Yesterday's service at Friendship Harmony was very good. Our people really enjoy being together and worshiping as a group. Our Sunday School is a blessing, our small groups are an absolute gift from God, and our services are always uplifting. We currently have four small groups meeting. They are our ladies group which meets monthly, our men's group which also meets monthly, our group dedicated to studying the Hebrew roots of Christianity, which meets weekly, and our fellowship and recreation group which meets in season. Hopefully, our Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study group can resume soon. This group is led by Sister Brenda Conley who is currently experiencing some medical issues. Brenda is unable to conduct the group, but with a return to good health could conceivably resume in the future.
Yesterday's message was one I had preached back in 2006. It is very rare when I reprise a message, but I felt the leadership of the LORD to do so. This message answers a question I want to ask Adam when I meet him in Heaven. I will ask him, “Adam, what were you thinking?” We saw from Scripture that Adam had it all. The earth was his home. God had given him dominion over it as well as the creatures inhabiting it with him. God gave him all the provisions he would ever need and a companion to share it with. Adam enjoyed fellowship with God, yet he wanted more. He wanted to be like God. He wanted to please his mate. He believed God was withholding good from him. Basically, he was selfish. It had come down to what he wanted verses what God wanted. The end result of his selfishness was rebellion. Selfishness always leads to sin. It is said that multi-billionaire J. Paul Getty was asked what possibly could a man of his immense wealth want. His purported answer was, “One dollar more.” Selfishness says, “I can never be satisfied.” Christian obedience says, “Jesus is enough for me.”
Next week, the LORD willing, I'll be preaching “That Glorious Name.” It is a new message that is even now in the early phases of the sermonizing process. Pray for that message, and if you're in the area, try to be with us. We'd be pleased if you would.
I'll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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