Did you have a good Thanksgiving? Did you nearly eat yourself into oblivion on turkey or whatever your family likes. Here at the Cooper's we had the traditional turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes (which Pastor Vic doesn't eat,) pumpkin pie, (which Pastor Vic wouldn't eat with a gun held to his head) and Miss Bessie's home-made applesauce. She had never made it before, and quite frankly, I didn't realize you could make it! Remember- I was born a city boy. Our applesauce came in a glass jar from the Mott's factory. I'll never eat store bought again. Miss Bessie gets an A+ in applesauce making!! I married her for her cooking. When we first met I was a scrawny, 160 pound , six feet two inch dude with surfer boy blonde hair, and Elvis Presley sideburns. Look at me now. After all her good cooking I'm still six feet two inches, only now it's proportioned differently!
Yesterday was a good day at Friendship Harmony, but we missed Ken and Margaret as there was some illness. We are praying for a return to good health soon for Margaret. I had to lead the singing which is nowhere like Ken does it. The best part of my song leading is when I announce the page. After that, it's pretty unremarkable.
The message yesterday was from Psalm 119:57-64. In these verses the psalmist is extolling the mercy of God. He asks God to be merciful to him, “... according to thy word.” (v58) Why? In verse 57 he says, “Thou art my portion, O Lord: I have said that I would keep thy words.” He is saying he trusts God's words. You are probably thinking, “Where do you see that in that verse, Pastor Vic?” It comes from the phrase, “Thou art my portion, O Lord.” It means “allotment; ie something given.” It is a statement of ownership. He is saying, “You are MY Lord. He knows God is a Lord. That fact is a given. He also grants that God is the Lord. That too is true, but it does nothing for him personally. However, when he claims him as, “my Lord,” he has personalized it. Once He became HIS Lord, he would have full trust in God's word. Asking God to grant mercy according to that word shows complete trust in it, and total dependance on it. My question to you is, “Is Jesus Christ YOUR Lord?” I'm not asking if you recognize Him as The Lord; even Satan does that! I want to know is He your Lord. Join the psalmist in verse 59 and, “think on your ways.” Are they the ways of holiness? Are they His ways, or your ways? Think on that.
The psalmist goes on to say three things about what he did after he considered his ways. First, he turned to God's testimonies, ie God's word. (v59b) Jesus said in John 5:39 “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
Next the psalmist says he hurried to keep God's word. The old English word here is he did not “dilly dally,” If you procrastinate upon receiving God's mercy, you are either not serious, or you are not convinced. You have faith or you do not. It is really that simple! Our psalm writer testifies he had faith. Do you have faith? Would you like some? The Bible says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:19) If you want faith, get into God's word. Really, there is no other way.
Finally, he says, “At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments.” (Psalm 119:62) Are you grateful for the mercy God has bestowed upon you? Does the life you live indicate that? Have you ever even received God's mercy, pardon, and grace? If you want to talk privately about it, contact me. I'd be happy to help you.
Last week I told you about a dear lady of our church, Irene Bodziak. Later today, the doctors will likely shut down the respirator she is on. They say there is nothing more they can do. We still believe God is able to heal her, but from our human vantage point, it appears He has chosen not to do so. Maybe He will heal after all of man's efforts have expired; only He knows. Whatever God chooses, pray for the Spirit's comfort for her husband and family.
I'll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!