Good Monday Morning To You.
I’d like to ask all you readers to please remember Irene Bodziak in your prayers. While getting up to get ready for church yesterday, Irene lost her balance and fell, hitting her head against a door. She seemed alright, but her husband, Don, wisely insisted that she let him drive her to Cape Hospital to have it examined. They admitted her, but about 5:00pm she took a very quick turn for the worse and had to be rushed into emergency brain surgery to relieve the pressure. She came through the surgery fine, but the doctor cautioned that the next 24 to 48 hours were the most critical. He is cautiously optimistic. Pray for her recovery, and for Don as well. Also, family members are flying in, so pray for their safe journey.
While visiting the ICU, we met a man whose name I am not free to share at this time. He had sent word that he wanted to see me. Bill and I shared the gospel with him, and he said he was saved, but I wonder. I’ve been doing this for forty years this coming April, and I’ve learned to “read between the lines.” His answers were correct, but the way he said them caused red flags to go up in my mind. I’ll just ask you to pray for “Bud.” Again, that is not his name, but God certainly knows him. I just pray he truly knows God!
For an update on Irene and Bud, I will post a Monday Morning supplemental on Wednesday morning, and again on Friday.
Thanks for your prayers. I know the families appreciate it as well.
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Stay well, and have a good Thanksgiving!
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