As I promised on Monday, here is an update on Sister Irene Bodziak. As you might recall, Irene fell Sunday morning and hit her head on a closet door. The fall caused bleeding in her brain, and she had emergency surgery Sunday evening. The surgeon said the first 48 hours were the most critical. She is now past that point, but is still in critical condition. The doctors are using phrases such as, “if she survives,” and “brain damage,” and “paralysis” and “the inability to speak or walk.” These are frightening words. I encouraged the family to hold on to hope until God says different. Irene is indeed in need of a miracle, but the Great Physician is very able. Please continue to bombard Heaven with your prayers. We are asking that you pray for a complete and total healing. Our LORD wants us to pray “specifically,” so on behalf of her husband, children and family, that is what I am asking you to do. Pray also for the Spirit's comfort for her loved ones at this time.
Thank you for praying, and I'll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic.
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