One final time in 2012, let me say Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms. I got to call my mom up in Cincinnati and wish her a happy day. I told the congregation yesterday that when I was a boy we attended the Fairview Baptist Church in Cincy. Each year for Mother’s Day every one received a flower to wear in honor of their mom. I asked dad why his was white while ours was red. He explained that if your mother had passed on, you wore a white flower, and if your mom was still alive, you wore a red flower. I then asked the group, “How many of you ladies here today your children’s mother is still alive?” It was as quiet as a funeral home at 2:00a.m. It eventually dawned on them what I had said. I don’t mean to do these things, but sometime my mouth works faster than my brain. These things just hit me and before my brain can tell my mouth to stay shut, it’s done. Oh well. That’s just Pastor Vic’s sense of humor. By the way, I get it from both my parents, but especially my mom. Happy Mother’s Day once again mom!
I surprised Miss Bessie with a special Mother’s Day Dinner. I made her corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and carrots. I told her several days ago that I was fixing “something.” It drove her nuts trying to guess. She never did and on our way to church yesterday, I told her. I told her it would be some of the finest food she’d ever eaten. All she could say when she took her first bite and I asked her what she thought was, “Ooh, it’s so good.” That was appropriate since I got the recipe from Mr. Food. It was one of his slow cooker recipes. I cannot share it with you due to copyright limitations, but you can get it (and many others) by going onto his website. It can be found at
Yesterday at Friendship Harmony, Bill and Patty Wolfe surprised our ladies with an orchid floating in a decorative glass bowl. These were flowers they had grown. Thanks Bill and Patty from all of us.
In honor of the occasion, I preached a message called, “The Value Of A Good Woman,” from Proverbs 31:10-12. I told our people that Proverbs 31 would be the text that many preachers would be using on Mother’s Day. I preached a simple three point message and I explained to the men in attendance that these traits were for us too. The Bible teaches holy living on the part of both women and men. The sermon notes are here for your use. You may use them in your private Bible study, for a Sunday School class, or as sermon notes. I hope you find them usable.
The Value Of A Good Woman
Proverbs 31:10-12
By: Victor Cooper
Preached 5/13/12
Proverbs 31:10-12 (NLT) Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies. [11] Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. [12] She will not hinder him but help him all her life.
These three points concerning the qualities of a good wife are noble goals that all women, married or not, all men, and all young people would do well to try to copy for their lives.
I. She is a dedicated woman.
A. She is dedicated to her family.
1. God instituted the family long before He instituted the Church.
B. She is dedicated to God.
1. Dedicate = def. Gk. qudash; to pronounce clean
2. Psalm 30:1 I will extol thee, O Lord; for thou hast lifted me up… (underline mine)
a. thou hast lifted me up - thou hast pronounced me clean; thou hast dedicated me
C. To whatever else she becomes part of, she is dedicated to it.
D. A synonym used in several translations of Scriptures for dedicated is devoted.
1. The difference between the two words is only slight;
a. Dedication has to do with action from a sense of duty while
b. devotion has to do with action from a sense of love. Both combined make her more precious than rubies!
II. She is a dependable woman.
A. Her word is her bond.
B. v11 Her husband can trust her
1. He is the closest person in the world - if he can trust her, everyone else can trust her.
2. Even God can trust her. We often speak of the importance of trusting God, but it is also important that He can trust us.
REMEMBER: She is more precious than rubies!
III. She is a delightful woman.
A. v25 She is a pleasure to be around. She can laugh.
1. She is happy, joyful, positive and upbeat, without being foolish or frivolous. .
B. v20 She cares for others.
C. Being such a person makes her more precious than rubies.
Conclusion: Proverbs 31:30 (NLT) Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
I hope you have a good and safe week. Be watching this Wednesday morning for a special mid week edition of Monday Morning With Pastor Vic. I’ll be announcing to you an upcoming two day service in Orlando that you will not want to miss. Last year Bill and Patty Wolfe and Miss Bessie and I went to the services and it was absolutely the highlight of our year. I remember sitting there thinking, “I wish my entire Church could experience this.” You can, and I’ll tell you more about it this Wednesday morning. So for this week I’ll conclude by saying, I’ll see you this coming WEDNESDAY Morning with Pastor Vic!!
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