Welcome to this special mid week edition of Monday Morning With Pastor Vic. Let me start by saying thanks for the e-mails and calls asking how I am feeling since my “bug attack” last Sunday. I appreciate your prayers and I’m feeling much better. I’m not yet 100%, but I at least can function.
I want to make an announcement of an event I hope you can attend. The First Baptist of Central Florida will again this year be hosting the annual “Sensational Central Florida Mature Adult Celebration.” The date for this year’s event is October 8 and 9 in Orlando, Florida. Bess and I attended this last year with Bill and Patty Wolfe, and I have never been in better services. I remember last year thinking, “I wish my entire church could get in on this.” For those here in Florida, or for our snowbirds who will be returning, why not make this part of your plans? Perhaps you have some vacation time. Why not come to Orlando for the conference, then stay another day or so and tour the sights? Believe me, there is plenty to see!
This two day conference is as good of a blessing as I have ever received. I’ve been to Revivals, Brush Arbor Meetings, Tent Meetings, and many gospel music concerts. The Mature Adult Celebration is as good as any service I’ve been in.
The cost is $65.00. You must provide your own lodging and meals, but perhaps you can stay at the same motel we will be using.
For more information go to their website which is www.sensationalseniors.info. Click on “enter site” for information. Space is limited to the first 1000 people, and they already have 500 signed up, so if you can attend, make your plans and reservations right away.
I do hope you can attend - you’ll be glad you did. Check out their website now, and I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic.
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