I trust you have had a safe and healthy week. The same has not been the case here at the Cooper home. Miss Bessie, along with recovering from her total knee replacement, also has the flu. It has hit her pretty hard. My daughter, Michele, is fighting an upper repertory infection. Even poor ole Pastor Vic had several days where he felt absolutely miserable. I still have the stuffy head and a cough, but at least the body aches and fever are gone. This, however is not the case for Miss Bessie. Please pray for her swift recovery, because quite frankly, I’m not used to performing all these wifely duties; dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning. I thank God I was born a boy!!! I was standing at the sink, getting myself a good case of dish-pan hands, when a Scripture came to mind: 2 Kings 21:13 “And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down.” Did you catch that? As a man wipeth a dish; not a woman. The author of 1 and 2 Kings is unknown. If I’d have written about a man having to do dishes, I’d write anonymously too.
Some of you have asked about my mom, Alene Cooper. Last week mom fell and broke the femur (the large bone) in her right leg. It required surgery, but her surgeon is confident that she will recover. Mom was transferred on Friday from Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati, to a rehab center just east of the city. She is at the same place she was last year after her gall bladder exploded. We expect her recovery this time should be a bit easier. Please continue to pray for her. I spoke to her just a few minutes ago, and she sounded good. If you’d like to send her a card, contact me for the address.
We had a good service at Friendship Harmony yesterday, in spite of quite a few being out sick. The attendance was still good, and the song service was uplifting. I preached a message on “Some Do’s and Don’ts.” The notes are below, and the message is probably a little different than what you might be expecting. The video will be posted at some point this week if it is useable. I took a couple of coughing spells and I’m sure for internet viewing that might be quite distracting. We’ll see.
Last week’s video from the message, “Bearing The Cross,” is now available online. You can get to it at www.youtube.com. When their home page comes up, type Friendship Harmony Baptist Church in the box next to their logo. We don’t have a picture posted, but you will see a silhouette of a skinny little guy which you may safely assume is me. Here are the notes from yesterday.
Some Do’s And Don’ts ©
Isaiah 41:10; 40:11
By Victor Cooper
Intro: Many Scriptures speak of God’s care of and provision for believers.. The “Good Shepherd” teaching is not a New Testament concept. God used Isaiah to convey the same message some 700 years before the birth of Jesus.
I. The “Don’ts.” Isaiah 41:10.
A. Do not fear. To be frightened. Why would Israel be fearful?
1. They had rebelled many times --- perhaps they were afraid of losing their covenant status.
2. Bible Knowledge Commentary Even though Israel was exiled because of sin and unbelief, she still was not rejected by God. Since the covenant the Lord made with Abraham was unconditional (Gen. 15), his descendants need not fear.
3. “You do not have to be afraid because I am still with you.” VCT*
B. Do not be dismayed. To look around bewildered; confused to the point of inaction.
1. Why would they be confused and bewildered?
2. Fear generally leads to confusion.
3. “You do not have to be dismayed because I am eternally your God.”: VCT*
II. The “Do’s”
A. I will strengthen you.
1. The plus: when God strengthens something, it is strong!
2. The negative: Often God strengthens us through trials, much like metal is hardened by fire.
3. The result: Christian maturity.
B. I will help you. It means to aid and comes from a Hebrew root which means “to surround.”
C. I will uphold you. To sustain. Reference.com gives 5 definitions to the word. Their number 4 is interesting: “…to keep (a person, the mind, the spirits, etc.) from giving way, as under trial or affliction.”
III. God’s provision. Isaiah 40:11
A. He will feed His flock like a shepherd.
1. The key is “like a shepherd.”
a. Shepherds are totally dedicated to the flock.
Torrey’s Topical Textbook
Knowing them. John 10:14
Going before and leading them. Psalm 77:20; Psalm 78:52; Psalm 80:1
Seeking out good pasture for them. 1 Chron. 4:39-41; Psalm 23:2
Numbering them when they return from pasture. Jeremiah 33:13
Watching over them by night. Luke 2:8
Tenderness to the ewes in lamb, and to the young. Genesis 33:13-14; Psalm 78:71
Defending them when attacked by wild beasts. 1 Samuel 17:34-36; Amos 3:12
Searching them out when lost and straying. Ezekiel 34:12; Luke 15:4-5
Attending them when sick. Ezekiel 34:16
B. He will gather and carry them.
1. God initiates the action. He knows when because His eyes are always on His sheep.
C. He will gently lead them.
1. A cowboy drives; a shepherd leads.
2. As a shepherd leads, his own sheep follow.
John 10:14; 27 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. [27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
IV. To get the most out of these passages in Isaiah, read them like this: Isaiah 40:11; 41:10; 40:11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. [Isaiah 41:10] Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. [Isaiah 40:11] He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.
Conclusion: If you are a child of God, nothing can separate you from Him. Your sin interferes with your fellowship with Him, but He is still your Heavenly Father. Therefore, do not fear nor be dismayed.
For those of you who are here on Pine Island, don’t forget to upcoming events this week. The first is our small group Bible study on the Book of Zechariah. The study begins this Wednesday afternoon at the home of Brenda Conley. It is at 2:00 p.m. and will be led by my good friend and dear collogue Rabbi Jim Pickens. Jim is no stranger to Friendship Harmony and will lead us in good, deep study. If you enjoy good prophecy study, this class is for you. The Book of Zechariah is the Old Testament’s Book of The Revelation. Zechariah speaks heavily concerning the millennial reign of Christ: that 1000 year period of peace and harmony on earth with Christ leading the way. This time period follows the seven years of Tribulation. In fact, Zechariah fills in many facts only briefly alluded to in The Revelation. I cannot think of anyone better to lead this study than a Messianic Rabbi.
Also, next Sunday is our carry in dinner. Our cooks are some of the finest in all of Christendom. Remember, if you eat it in a Baptist Church, it contains no calories and cannot hurt you. If you’re here, be sure to stay and enjoy the food and fellowship.
Stay healthy, safe and warm. If you’re traveling here this week, stay safe on the highways. I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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