The other day someone asked me about my dogs. I have been preaching for forty years and have loads of experience and education. I have several degrees and lots of letters after my name, and what do people want to know? How are your dogs. Incredible. The fact is I am a dog lover. Since my childhood I have had six dogs in my life. The first was a Collie named Gi-Gi. She was a beautiful dog. My mom named her, but I do remember where that idea came from. I’ll have to ask her. Gi-Gi was the dog of my childhood from the early sixties. She was a great playmate. Dad built her a doghouse in our basement and it was so sturdy, it took three grown men to move it outside. Gi-Gi loved her house - she always laid on the ground outside it. I would put her in it, and right back out she’d come. It was big enough, and was water proof, complete with a shingled roof and sturdy floor. Gi-Gi laid in frount of it.
Next was Peppi; we called her Pep. Peppi was a Miniature Schnauzer whose momma was my uncle’s dog, Doogie. Doogie was unable to nurse her pups, so we got Pep when she was just a few days old. We bottle fed her and she grew into a healthy little girl. Peppi would get so excited whenever we’d come home from being wherever we had been. She would bark and jump. She would literally jump up into your arms. You’d better plan on catching Peppi, because she was coming. Pep was the dog of my teenage years and early adulthood.
Next was Marco. After I tell you about her, I’ll save the other three for another time. Bess and I wanted a dog, so we went to the dog pound in Cincinnati and looked at several. We looked for a dog that wanted to be wanted. As we strolled past the cages, we saw one that had several dogs in it. All the dogs except one was playing in one corner, while this little Australian Shepherd was laying in a corner by herself. She had this sad look on her face and Bess and I knew at once that this was the dog for us and our family. We brought her home, and the kids just loved her. Marco, we called her Mark, was a good guard. Each night she would go to different bedrooms to check on everybody. Marco was also a Frisbee catcher. You could throw the Frisbee across the yard and she would take off, leap into the air, and catch it. She very rarely missed. She was also a good hockey goalie. The kids would take a miniature hockey stick and hit one of her Kibbles toward her from the other side of the room. Once again, Marco rarely missed. She was a mighty fine dog, She was with us when we moved into our present home in Florida 15 years ago. Next time, I’ll introduce you to dogs four, five, and six. Their names are Kaiser, Frazier, and Bubba.
What a tremendous service we had at Friendship Harmony yesterday. Karan Barry has agreed to play piano for us, and Eleanor McDonnel is leading our singing. This morning was their first time together, and already I’m calling them the dynamic duo. The music at our church is extremely uplifting. I began a four part series called God’s Open Doors. We will be looking at the many open doors provided by our Heavenly Father. The notes are below, and the video will likely be posted by mid-week. To get to the video, go to When their home page comes up, type in Pastor Victor Cooper in the box next to their logo. It should take you right to our video ministry. The video ministry is off to a bit of a slow start, but already I have heard from someone on the west coast who was blessed by it, and wanted to share a positive comment. Another family in one of our western states has also sent positive feedback. The video ministry will grow, but already it is a success for our Lord. I believe it is successful because of Jesus. I hope the videos bless you, too. Here are those notes.
God’s Open Doors ©
Series: God’s Doors By: Pastor Vic Cooper
1 of 4 1/26/13
I. A door of answered prayer Acts 12:16 But Peter continued knocking: and when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished.
A. The Church had been fervently praying for Peter’s release.
B. Rhoda looked through the door, but did not open it.
1. Many children of God look through the door at God’s answer, but do not open the door and seize it.
C. The Church refused to believe her report.
1. “Sadly, many answered prayers stay out on the porch because we won’t walk through the door God has opened to go get them.” Pastor Vic Cooper 10/08
II. A door of utterance Col. 4:3-4 Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: [4] That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.
A. This could also be called a door of opportunity.
1. Paul wanted an open door of opportunity.
2. Too many Church members are praying, “Lord, there is my neighbor; send him.”
3. As with the prophet Isaiah, Paul was saying, “Lord here am I; send me.”
III. A door of service 1 Cor. 16:9 (NASB) for a wide door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
A. Paul recognized it as a “wide” door.
1. How wide does the door need to be before we will walk through it?
2. A good burglar only needs the door opened a small crack.
B. Paul also saw it as potential for effective service.
1. How much success must we be guaranteed before we will pass through the wide and open door?
C. Paul knew there would be adversities and adversaries, but he refused to let that stop him.
1. How often do we let even the hint of an adversity hinder us?
8810. Epigram On Overcoming Handicaps
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.
—Booker T. Washington (Encyclopedia of 15,000 Illustrations)
IV. A door of Heaven John 10:7-9 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. [8] All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. [9] I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
A. Jesus alone is the door to Heaven. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6
B. He also said that any other way is the way of “thieves and robbers.” Rev. 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
Before I say goodbye, sadly I must announce the passing of one of our deacons, and founding members, Brother Bob Kramer. Bob had been fighting pancreatic cancer. He was 67 years ago. He will be missed here at Friendship Harmony. Some people say that Bob lost his battle with cancer. I beg to differ! The cancer lost - Bob was victorious! Death for a believer is not a loss. It is a victory. Although we mourn his passing, we can rejoice that Bob is healthy again and living safely in the arms of Jesus. Pray for his wife, Esther, and their family.
Also, in two weeks on February 10, we will celebrate our second anniversary as a fully constituted Church. Lots of special things will be happening that day, so if you’re in the area, I hope you’ll be with us. The day will conclude with a carry in meal. The church will be providing the ham, turkey, and drinks. I hope you can be there. Fiddlin’ Bill will be with us to provide the music. Have a good week, and when the video is posted, I’ll let you know. I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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