I always enjoy our Monday morning visits. I cannot begin to tell you how honored I am that you would take the time to read this blog. Blog. That was a word that did not exist when I entered the ministry way back in 1972. Back then, if you would have told me that I would have a web delivered blog reaching across the globe to over seventeen thousand readers, I would have thought you had gotten into Uncle Bob’s corn squeezings. Once when I was in my teens, I did find the home made moon shine, but that is another story for another day.
For the past two weeks, I have told you about some of my antics in seminary. I was a prankster living in a dorm room with three other pranksters. It was a riot! I’ve got to tell you about a prank I pulled on my buddy, Danny Jones.
One of the classes we attended was called, “The Life of Paul.” The professor was a man named Lee Payne. Brother Payne was one of the finest teachers I have ever had the honor to learn from. More often than not, he would break out into a sermon, and could he ever preach. You would leave his class feeling like you had been to an old fashioned revival. The classroom where we were seated held nearly a hundred people. Danny and I had seats assigned in the back. The classes were about an hour and fifteen minutes long, and after twenty minutes into the class, I looked over at Danny, and he was sound asleep. I didn’t want Professor Payne to discover his little nap, so I did what any good friend would do: I reached over and woke him up. I told him, “Danny, Danny, wake up. Professor Payne just called on you to dismiss in prayer.” Danny promptly stood and prayed the nicest dismissal prayer I have ever heard. Brother Payne stood there in wide eyed amazement. When he finished praying, Professor Payne said, “Now that Brother Jones has his prayer life back in order, we will resume our class about the life of Paul. Danny sat back down with the most bewildered, hang dog look on his face. I did not know a human being could turn that many shades of red. Of all the stunts I had ever pulled in both high school and seminary, this was my crowning achievement. However, before you get all teary eyed over poor Danny, next week I’ll tell you how he got even: it had to be his crowning achievement in prank pulling. When I begin teaching classes in mid August, I pray I do not have any students like me. God does, however, have a delicious sense of humor. Time will tell.
Yesterday at Friendship Harmony was an awesome day. I hope you don’t get sick of hearing me say that from week to week, but it’s true. Friendship Harmony services are alive, vibrant, and a joy to experience. As I’ve said on many occasions, you do not attend Friendship Harmony, you experience Friendship Harmony. Yesterday was no exception. The day started with the beginning of a new Sunday School class for people aged 15 to 20. What a blessing it was. Several of those have been attending regularly for the last six weeks. I am so proud of them.
During our morning worship time, we were honored to have in our service a missionary and his family. Bobu John and his family are from India, in the state of Delhi. They are active in operating homes for unwanted children as well as starting churches. They stayed for our fellowship meal afterward. It was a joy getting to know them.
As I said, we had our monthly fellowship meal after the service. The theme this month was, “My Favorite Casserole.” As always, our ladies rose to the occasion. We had a variety of wonderful casseroles. Our pianist, Karin Barry, made the best potatoes I’ve ever eaten. Perhaps I need to include some recipes from time to time.
For our morning message, I continued our sermon series, “What Were You Thinking?” This week we met Stephen and asked him, “What were you thinking when the stones were pounding against your body, beating the life out of you?” Below are the notes. I hope they are a blessing to you. Don’t forget, on Tuesday you can visit www.youtube.com and see the sermon as it was preached. To do so, from their homepage, type in Friendship Harmony Baptist Church and hit enter. Then, simply scroll to the message you would like to see.
Stephen, What Were You Thinking?
Acts 6 & 7: various
9th in a series of 12 By: Victor Cooper
Today we meet Stephen, one of the first deacons of the Church. Stephen was a man who loved Jesus, talked about Jesus and stood for Jesus; even though it cost him his life. We would ask him, “Stephen, what were you thinking when the stones were pounding against you, beating out your life? Why didn’t you just give up and give in?”
I. First, lets meet Stephen.
A. He was a man of honest report, (good reputation) full of
the Holy Ghost, (filled = controlled) full of wisdom,
(prudence) and faith (conviction of religious truth).
B. He was a man who was opposed, v9, spoke with power,
v10, and was falsely accused v11-15.
Stephen, what were you thinking?
II. “When I was brought before the Sanhedrin, I answered the
High Priest’s question. 7:1
A. He wanted to know two things.
1. Was Jesus going to destroy the Temple? 6:14
2. Was Jesus going to change our customs? 6:14”
III. “I reminded them of Jewish history beginning with Abraham.
A. I told them their fathers were guilty of unbelief and they
were no different. :51-54
B. Your modern churches are good about telling people
Jesus loves them, and that’s true, but it’s only part. You
forget to call a sinner a sinner and remind people that
God hates sin and will judge sinners!
1 God hates sin! Psalm 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.
2. God judges sin. The Bible abounds with many
examples of God’s judgment falling. ex Egypt,
Jericho, Assyria, Babylon etc…
3. JFB Commentary we should view this {section} as the summing up, the brief import of the whole Israelitish history—grossness of heart, spiritual deafness, continuous resistance of the Holy Ghost, down to the very council before whom Stephen was pleading.”
IV. “I knew God was pleased with my testimony - I saw right
into the throne room of Heaven.
A. v56 I was already in that place of being part here and part
there. ex. Ruth Strimlan
B. What Moses asked for in Exodus 33:18, and was denied,
Stephen saw in verse 55.
C. The Bible does not say that the Heavenly sight ever left
Stephen’s sight.”
V. “As they were stoning me, I remembered how my Saviour
had responded on the day of His crucifixion. I wanted to be
just like Him - even in death.
A. I asked God to forgive them. :60
B. You’re wondering if it hurt. Probably, but I really do not
remember it, ‘for the former things are passed away” and
‘all things are become new.’
C. Revelation 21:1-5 {READ}
1. Pulpit Commentary His prayer indicates superiority to bodily suffering. There is no petition for relief from pain or even for speedy release. Exactly what was God’s will for him he would bear right through.”
For you ladies on or near Pine Island, this coming Thursday, June 13, at 1:00pm at the Island Grill, your Ladies Luncheon is scheduled. Also, our Bible study, “The Basics of Christianity” will meet at 6:30 on Wednesday Evening. The address is 4764 Flamingo Drive, and is the home of Shirley Jean. I hope you can be with us.
I hope you are enjoying your summer. For many of you who plant gardens, they should be just about ready to begin yielding their delicious crops. I hope you have a successful garden this year. Regardless of how you are spending your summer, stay safe and well, and I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic.
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