Good Monday Morning To You.
Pour yourself a cup of coffee, or a glass of juice and let’s visit. I hope you are having a good and healthy Spring. I suppose for our readers in Australia, and other southern hemisphere dwellers, you are having Fall. Wherever you are, I appreciate you for taking the time to read the blog. Have you had the chance to visit our videos on YouTube? You can see them by going to From their homepage, type in Friendship Harmony Baptist Church and hit enter. Simply select the video you would like to see. Sunday’s message, “Peter, What Were You Thinking?’ will be available tomorrow. Until then, there are other videos available now.
Last week I told you about a time in my life when I decided to use my middle name. It was while I was in Bible College. I also mentioned that I knocked the dean’s hat off with a snowball. Several people have asked me to tell more. I will gladly tell it. To me it is as funny now as it was then.
I attended school in Missouri, and lived in a dorm room with three other boys. One afternoon it started to snow heavily, and in no time, a heavy, wet snow about three inches deep totally covered everything in sight. There were three dorm buildings in a row spaced about thirty feet apart. Each dorm had four floors, and I lived in the middle dorm on the fourth floor. Each dorm had an outside staircase with a decent sized landing. That snow was just laying there asking to be packed and thrown. Off all four landings snow balls were flying from all directions, including upon people on the ground. I had nearly used the snow the LORD had allotted me, and I had enough for one more good sized ball. The students down on the ground had an unlimited supply to work with. I spotted a young man who was picking people off at will, and I decided to nail him. I was a baseball pitcher, so hitting him would not be difficult. As a pitcher, I’ve hit many batters – some accidentally. That’s another story for another day. I took aim and let my snowball fly. I could tell from the moment I released it that my target was a sitting duck. Suddenly from the side of the building, Dean Harper appeared. He was wearing a nice dressy hat and my snowball nailed him in a perfect spot: his hat went flying. The only thing that moved faster than his hat flying through the air was Vic Cooper flying back into the dorm. For days that was the talk of the campus. Secretly, nearly everybody loved it. No one ever knew who threw that ball, and since I was never into bragging, I never told it either. Several days later, I passed him and his hat on the sidewalk and greeted him. He spoke and walked on by. As he passed me, I had a grin on my face that a surgeon could not have removed. By the time I reached the cafeteria, I was in full blown laughter. What I wouldn’t give for a return to those carefree days of my youth.
Yesterday was a good day at Friendship Harmony. Our visitors continue to come, and my prayer is that the Lord will unite them with our church. They are already part of us as far as I’m concerned.
The sermon series, “What Were You Thinking?” continued as we asked Peter what he was thinking when he walked on water. The notes are below. I hope they are a blessing to you. Tomorrow, you should be able to see and here the message on YouTube.
Peter, What Were You Thinking?
Matthew 14:28-31
2nd in a series By: Victor Cooper
updated 5/13
Peter experienced something no other human being on earth, with the exception of Jesus, ever experienced: he walked on water! The Bible doesn’t indicate how long he walked, just that indeed he walked on water. We would ask him, “Peter, what was it like? What were you thinking when you walked on water?”
I. Peter would say, “I wasn’t thinking about the water or the
walk. I just wanted to be with Jesus, regardless of the
obstacles. (text)
A. I already believed He was the Messiah. John 1:41
B. I would soon declare Jesus was the Messiah.
Matthew 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
1. Christ is the Greek word for Messiah. When we call
Him Christ, we use the word as a pronoun or a noun.
The word “Christ” is a verb. It describes the noun which
is Jesus.
C. I had gladly accepted His call to be an Apostle.
Matthew 4:19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
1. We had had a miserable night fishing, then Jesus came
and told us to try again. We had the greatest catch we
had ever had. I knew our catch of the souls of men
would be just as good. Luke 5:1-7 He was our
II. “I thought when you asked me ‘What were you thinking?,’
you were going to ask me what was I thinking when
I denied Christ.
A. I was ashamed. I had been warned I would, and I boast-
fully told Jesus He was wrong. I would never deny Him.
Mark 14:29-31.
B. I did repent, and He restored my relationship with Him.
John 21:15-17.”
III. “You think walking on water was a miracle, you should have
been with me at that Church Council meeting when I
revealed the Gospel was going to be delivered to the
Gentiles. Acts 15:7-11
A. I had told them Acts 10:34 …Of a truth I perceive that
God is no respecter of persons:
1. The statement, We are saved, just as they are, is amazing. A Jew under the Law would say the opposite and in reverse order (“they are saved as we are”), but one who knew God’s grace, as Peter did, would not say that. Salvation for anyone— Jew or Gentile—is by God’s grace (v. 11) and is by faith.”
“What was I thinking when I denied Jesus? He forgave me. I’d rather think about that. What was I thinking about when I walked on water? I was thinking about, loving, and desiring to follow my Lord. The best thing to ever happen to me was meeting Him. Do you love Him, too?”
For those of you with us here on Pine Island, our monthly fellowship meal is this coming Sunday morning after church. The theme is, “My favorite casserole.” If you are in the area, come by and share what our ladies, and some of the men, can do with a casserole. It’s going to be delicious. Also, don’t forget that each Wednesday evening, our small group, “The Basics of Christianity” will continue at 6:30. Call me for more information if you’d like to go. May the LORD bless your week, and I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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