Have you had a good week since we last visited? I hope so. Last week I told you about the lady at my church in Cincinnati who told me the Bible says communion grape juice has to be purple, and it has to be Welch’s. I jokingly told you that I intended to tell it to the seminary class I teach. I ended by saying I wouldn’t do it though. To those of you who know me, you know that sometime my mouth spouts words before my brain has a chance to stop it. I can’t help it; it’s just my nature. I don’t mean to do it, it’s just that sometime I start talking and I can’t shut up. At Norwood High School I stayed in trouble because most of my teachers failed to understand my sense of humor. I suppose I was just ahead of my time. My English teacher, Mrs. Wilson, finally admitted in front of the class that I was smarter than her. (Yes ending my sentence with “her“ is incorrect, but the proper way sounds goofy.) She said, “Victor Cooper, I just can’t teach you anything.”
I told my class that according to Sister Adam’s Bible, (not her real name) grape juice had to be purple, and it had to be Welch’s. Incredibly, they didn’t believe me. Oh, they believed the good sister had told me, but they rejected the notion about proper grape juice. I guess I have my work cut out for me.
We spent two weeks looking at ancient Egypt. You cannot teach as much as you’d like about Egypt in two classes. Egypt and Babylon are my two favorite ancient civilizations. Actually, I believe I must be part Egyptian. I think it comes through the tribe of Ephraim. I’ll have to check with my good friend, Rabbi Jim Pickens about this.
Yesterday was an awesome day at Friendship Harmony. In Sunday School we looked at the first Passover, and the other plagues. Egypt could have been the most blessed country on the planet if only Pharaoh would have listened. Instead, he decided to reject God and do things his way. As you know from your readings in the Book of Exodus, the results were both devastating and catastrophic. How about you? Is God speaking to your heart about a matter? Take a lesson from Pharaoh and obey the voice of the LORD. Had Pharaoh listened, Egypt might have become an oases of Christian teaching. Instead, look at her today.
Pastor Bob Felber brought our morning message. It was a message I wish thousands could have heard. Perhaps they will. As you know, the preaching part of our services are video recorded and posted to both YouTube, and Facebook. The easiest is through Facebook. Simply go to www.facebook.com/friendshipharmony. You do not need a Facebook account to view the video. Bob’s message should be posted by Tuesday.
Some of our winter visitors are returning, so if you’re heading our way, we look forward to seeing you soon. For those of you whom I have never met, let me say how much I appreciate you for being such a loyal reader. Without you, this blog would have no reason to exist. Thank you! Wherever you are, have a good week, and be sure to pray for Pastor Vic and the Friendship Harmony Baptist Church. I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic.
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