Good Monday Morning to you!
Yesterday after church I went to Cracker Barrel. Is there a Cracker Barrel near you? You can find them up and down I-75, and I-71. I’m sure they are located on other interstate highways as well. I think I saw a few on I-95. Going out to eat is enjoyable. I can remember, however, when eating out was a treat. We ate out twice a year. Once would be a stop at White Castle on the way home from church. They were 8 cents apiece back then. Dad would stop and buy a sack. To us, that was 5 star! Our second eating out adventure would be at Frisch’s. Every Cincinnatian knows about Frisch’s Big Boy. What makes Frisch’s Big Boy unique over other Big Boy franchises is the sauce. Frisch’s makes its own tartar sauce which is unbeatable. I always had them “make mine wet.” That meant extra sauce. Whenever I am in Cincinnati, I still order them that way. As a kid, we used to enjoy pulling under a canopy, ordering over a speaker, and having a car hop bring our order. We actually got to eat in the car! This was an absolute treat in the early sixties. The other kids I played with in Elmwood Place (Cincinnati) had parents who ate out as infrequently as we did. My mom, like their moms, was a stay at home mom and cooked supper every night. I learned later why we had not eaten out more. Dad had a factory job and he couldn’t afford to take us out repeatedly. Mom told me about a year ago that if it had not been for the overtime dad was working, we would not have made it. My friends parents were in the same shape as were we. However, I wouldn’t trade my childhood for all the riches the world could offer. I had a great childhood: my parents saw to it. I can only hope my kids feel that way about me. Time will tell I suppose.
Yesterday was an interesting day at Friendship Harmony. About a third of the way through the sermon, the power went out. The problem was not with our breakers; power was out all over the island. This wouldn’t be a disaster, but we video our sermons so they can be shared over the internet. The camera runs on battery power so we do not have electric cables running all over the floor causing a potential tripping problem. Here is where I thank God for modern technology. When the lights went off, the camera’s light immediately came on. It likely switched itself to low light mode as well. Jim and Gwen Cook, our producers, said they could bring the lighting problem up when they were editing and uploading to YouTube. I can’t wait for Tuesday morning to come so that I can see the finished project. To see for yourself, go to Like I said earlier, it was an interesting day! Most of the congregation at FHBC said I looked much better in the dark. Hmmm!
The sermon notes are below for a message titled, “Realize!” It was taken from Deuteronomy chapter 32. In this chapter, Moses gives his farewell speech to the Hebrews. The Children of Israel were getting ready to cross into the Promised Land, but Moses would not be going with them. It was time to climb the mountain and die. Even though Moses was not able to personally lead the people across the Jordan River into the land due to his disobedience, God is a merciful God. He led Moses to the top of Mt. Pisgah and allowed him to look over into the land. On that mountain top, Moses died and was buried by God Himself according to Deuteronomy 34:5-6. What a grave side service that must have been!
The notes are below. I hope they are a true blessing to you. You who are preachers and teachers, feel free to use these notes as they are, or adapt them as you see fit for a preached message, or a class lesson. For those of you who are using them for your personal Bible study, let me encourage you to use your Bible and a good commentary. There are many available, but I recommend the Bible Knowledge Commentary, published by Cook Communications. This commentary was written by many of the professors at the Dallas Theological Seminary. Get yourself one for Christmas. You deserve it!
Deut 32, selected
By Victor Cooper
Intro: Moses is making his farewell address to the Children of Israel. He challenges them to realize how blessed of God they had been, to realize how dependent on God they were, and to realize that they needed to live lives of unswerving loyalty to the LORD. It is also good advise for today.
I. Realize how blessed of God you have been. 32:7
A. God provided the land vv7,8.
1. Moses reminds them that even though they hadn’t been in the land for over 400 years, it is still theirs.
B. God provided the promise vv 9,10.
1. God is saying, “The land is yours, and you are mine.”
C. As the eagle forces her young out of the nest so it can fly, God forced Israel into the desert.
vv 11-14
1. The desert in this sense is not just the wilderness wonderings, but the entire experience in Egypt.
2. Egypt was the desert, versus the Promised Land; the land flowing with milk and honey.
a) Milk symbolized wealth, while honey symbolized abundance and blessing.
b) The Hebrews knew exactly what God was offering.
D. They had forgotten from where they had come
1. They were for essentially Egyptian!
II. Realize how dependent on God you really are v 39.
A. God alone is omnipotent.
1. Several times in Isaiah 45, God says there is none beside Him; there is none else.
2. Our life is in His hands.
3. Our death is in His hands.
B. One day God will make everything right v 43.
III. Realize you must live a life of unswerving loyalty to the LORD vv 46, 47
NLT Deut. 32:47 These instructions are not mere words—they are your life! By obeying them you will enjoy a long life in the land you are crossing the Jordan River to occupy.
A. These words are your life,
1. because they are God’s words.
I do hope you have a good upcoming week. If you plan on doing any traveling, please be careful. Here is a free piece of advise for you to go along with this free blog: If you are driving, please do not text. In Florida it is against the law to do so, and it should be everywhere. In Hamilton County, Ohio, a young man was texting and ran up on a sidewalk killing a three year old boy who was riding his tricycle. It’s not worth it; please pull over if you need to answer. Well, enough preaching from me, it’s just that I care. Keep yourself well and healthy, and I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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