Good Monday Morning To You!!!
I was hoping by this week I would be feeling better after my bout with the virus. I had to miss church last week, and even though I was sick and had fever, I still felt guilty about being home. I’ll never understand how some people can be hit and miss in their church attendance and be satisfied with that. I wasn’t up to par yesterday, but the Lord saw me through. He gave me the voice to complete the message, but I’ve got to admit, I felt much worse than I let on. As bad as I feel, Miss Bessie feels much worse. She still has fever, a nagging cough, and according to Dr. Engle, “junk in her lungs.” With fever, she is still contagious, but I do not believe that I am. I don’t think I put anybody at risk yesterday, but I still kept my distance.
Again this week we made no TV recording. My voice was gone by the end of the message, and to re-preach it was not going to be possible. If you have missed any of the videos, or have not yet seen one, you can by going to You do not have to have a Facebook account to watch the videos. I hope the videos are a blessing to you, and it is a great way to invite me into your home without having to feed me. If you ever do invite me over, I love meatloaf --- but that’s another story.
I hope you are feeling fine and do not catch this bug going around. My doctor told me that lots of people are down with it, and he said that just when you think you are getting better, it flips around and gets you again. This has been true in Miss Bessie’s and my case.
Stay well! Wash your hands often, and gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash several times a day. An old country doctor told me that. He said he did it and was never sick. There is probably a lot of truth in what Doc Freiden had to say!
I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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