I hope you have had a good, safe, and happy week. Did you get to go to church yesterday? Many of our northern churches had to close due to the harsh winter weather conditions. If yours was one that closed, I hope next week will be better. I trust you are one of those people who enjoy going to church and feel bad whenever you have to miss. May I make a suggestion to you? If you missed hearing a message this week, I’d like to invite you to listen to and view the message preached from our church this past Sunday. It is a short message of about ten minutes and was preached by our associate pastor, Bob Felber. Our video messages are a brief synopsis of the sermons delivered in the morning worship services at friendship Harmony by either Pastor Felber or me. You can see it at www,facebook.com/friendship harmony. You do not need a Facebook account to view any of the messages. All of us here at Friendship Harmony Baptist Church hope the video ministry is a blessing to all who view it.
If you are anywhere near Friendship Harmony this coming Sunday, let me invite you to come and join us as we conclude our Gospel Music Series with a visit from Fiddlin’ Bill. Bill is always a favorite with our people and I couldn’t think of anyone better to sing for us at our final concert of southern gospel music for the 2013/2014 season. The day is also the day of our monthly fellowship carry in dinner. It is shaping up to be a great day, so I hope you can be with us.
I want to thank you for your prayers. I still feel horrible and my voice comes and goes. I am grateful to have a dear friend and colleague like Bob Felber. Whenever I call upon him, he is always so faithful to step in and fill the FHBC pulpit. I totally trust him with the pulpit because I know his desire is to preach God’s word to the very best of his ability. If you have never heard him preach, check out the video at www.facebook.com/friendshipharmony. It should be ready for viewing by Tuesday morning. Bobby’s preaching will bless your soul. It certainly does mine.
Have a great week and I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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