Last week I posted a prayer request concerning a family in our church, Claude and Ann Ogle. Their daughter, Brandy Ward, was trapped under the mud in the Washington mudslide. Her husband, Tim, is in a Seattle hospital with a broken back and pelvis. As of the date of this writing, Brandy has not been found. They are bringing in a dog to see if it can pick up on her scent. Pray that the LORD uses that dog to accomplish His will. Please also continue to hold up this family in your prayers.
Another lady from our church, Barb Radcliffe, asked if I could use the blog to request prayer for her son Mark, who is having heart surgery on April 15th. I also promised her that I would keep you informed of his progress. ABSOLUTELY I will share prayer requests and updates. I cannot think of a better purpose this blog can have than that. If you have a request, send it to me at, or You may also call me at 239.283.8331. This blog is currently reaching over 22,000 readers in places like The United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, China, India, as well as countries from the former Soviet Union. Your brothers and sisters around the globe stand ready to pray for you. Share your request with me and let me post it so others can be praying. If yours is an unspoken request, we will also let others know to be praying for you.
Yesterday was a fantastic day at Friendship Harmony. Most of our services are truly enjoyable, but some days seem to be a notch above. Yesterday was one of those days. What did we do that was different? Nothing! It’s just that the glory of the LORD was present and He decided to make Himself known and felt. I was hopping He would. The last few weeks I have been preaching messages of encouragement and hope. I preached from 1 Samuel, chapter 17 where a young shepherd boy named David, steps into a seemingly impossible situation. He asks, “Is there not a cause?” He is saying, “Is their not a cause to stand for? Is our God worthy of our taking a stand for Him?” Each of us come face to face with our Goliaths frequently. Does Goliath cause you to fear and tremble, and become paralyzed as he did the army of the Children of Israel, or do you go face him with what you have and the LORD at your side. All David had was a slingshot and five rocks, but he trusted God, faced the giant, and declared victory in the name of the LORD.
I put a statement in the bulletin in big bold letters. I encouraged the people to cut it out and put it on their refrigerator. It said, “Child of God do not be downhearted. The victory is yours because the battle is the LORD’s.” You think about that.
May the LORD bless your week. Do what you can to keep yourself healthy and safe. I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
Don’t forget to send those prayer requests!!!
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