How have you, been since we last met? Are you staying busy? I hope it is doing the things you love. Our associate pastor, Bob Felber stays busy in his garden in Kentucky. With much of his harvest, he and Wanda can what they grow, and then bring it with them to Florida. Bess and I really enjoy the beans, kraut, corn, and other things they bring. I’m especially partial to Bob’s sour kraut. It is really good when Wanda fries it. Have you ever had fried kraut? It is delicious! If you would like to try some let me hear from you and the next time she fixes it, I’ll get you an invitation to supper.
Yesterday was a good day at Friendship Harmony, although the attendance was slightly down due to rainy weather. My former pastor, B. J. Thomas, used to say that it only took nineteen raindrops to keep twenty Baptist at home. Even so it was a good service and the LORD really blessed.
I began a new series called, “The Making Of A Man.” We looked at Ezra and saw that he was descent, honest, and honorable. It should be the desire of every Christian to have these three character traits. There were no sermon notes, but you can view the message on YouTube, or on the church facebook page. Most people are viewing by facebook. To find it go to I hope you will help our video ministry to grow. Would you consider sharing the videos on your facebook page?
As some of you know, here in Florida we are honored to have many winter visitors when the north is blanketed by snow, ice, and cold. After Easter our “snowbirds” return home, and church attendance naturally drops. Sadly, many churches go into hibernation mode during the summer. Many cease, or greatly curtail ministry events. To me this is wrong. It sends a wrong message. It tells our full-time residents that they do not matter. They DO matter. They are the backbone of the church. To honor the full time residents of the Flamingo Bay community where Friendship Harmony is located, we are hosting a picnic/gospel music concert this Saturday at Noon. If you are in the area feel free to come and join us. We will be serving hamburgers, hotdogs, and other picnic foods, and Fiddlin Bill will provide the music. It is going to be a great day and we hope our fulltime residents know that they are appreciated. We are also using the occasion to introduce ourselves to those that might not know us. If you cannot be with us, please pray for the success of this event.
Wherever you are, please have a safe and healthy week. For some of you who might not know, the church has a new mailing address. It is P. O. Box 583; St. James City, Florida 33956. Our e-mail address is Don’t forget if you have a Bible question that you would like to have answered, please e-mail it to me, and I’ll attempt to get you an answer. Stay well and I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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