Let me say how good it is to visit with you this week. Did anything exciting happen to you since we met last? How about writing me and letting me know. You can send me an e-mail to fhbcsjc@gmail.com or preachercooper@hotmail.com. Either way it is always good hearing from you. Recently I heard from a reader in India, and one in Southern California. I also heard from a someone right here on Pine Island that I have not yet had the pleasure to meet. I hope that person comes to Friendship Harmony soon. I love meeting our own local residents.
This past Saturday we had a picnic/concert at the church in honor of the full-time residents who live in the community with the church. As you might know, we are a new church, and we meet at the clubhouse belonging to the Flamingo Bay Association. They very graciously rent their facility to us, and we wanted to give something back. We felt a picnic and concert given in their honor would be in order. As I stated last week, Friendship Harmony is not going to follow the lead of many other Island churches that all but close up shop during the summer. To me, that sends out a wrong message. That tells our full time people that our winter visitors are worth doing things for, but not them. There is a word for that flawed way of thinking. It is pronounced, “Baloney!” Our full timers are most definitely important! They are the back bone of the community, and we at Friendship Harmony appreciate them.
The picnic was absolutely awesome. The food was great, and it was well attended. Our music was provided by Fiddlin’ Bill. Fiddlin Bill, and his wife, Anita, were so gracious to come and help with our picnic. The people at the picnic enjoyed their music. I have already had several ask me when they are coming back. They will be back on March 9, 2014 in our Sunday morning worship service. That will be the day of our fellowship dinner, so if you are here, come and be with us
While I am thinking of it, let me also tell you that Dustin Jenkins from Nashville, Tennessee will be with us on January 12, 2014, and the Majestic Sounds Quartet from Cincinnati, Ohio will be here on February 9, 2014 for our third annual homecoming. We are also working on booking singers for both November and December. We will let you know as soon as these dates are confirmed.
I continued the sermon series called, “The Making Of A Man.” Last week we looked at Solomon, and yesterday we looked at some of the fine traits in the life of Noah. For both messages, and for those coming in the future, we are examining the same three qualities. These people were descent, they were honest, and they were honorable. First, we said he was descent. In Genesis 6: 8-12, we learned that, “Noah found grace in the sight of the LORD. Grace is from the Hebrew word, “chen,” and here it means, “kindness.” What was it that set Noah apart from everyone else? From our passage of Scriptures we see three reasons. Noah was a just man; he was a “perfect man in his generation” (of a consistent character – never departing from the truth); and he walked with God. Interestingly, the same Hebrew word was used to describe Enoch’s walk with God. Noah was a descent man!
Next, Noah was honest. From Genesis 7:5 we learn that, “Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.” God gave the command, Noah wisely agreed to it, and then he kept his word and carried it out. A man’s or a woman’s character is only as good as their word. Are you honest with your word? Can you be counted on to follow through with the commitments you have made? Noah could. It took him 120 years, but he was faithful to it, and he finished the task he told God he would complete. His word and his promise meant something. He was honest!
Finally, he was honorable. The writer of Hebrews 11:7 tells us, Noah, “… condemned the world…” Exactly what did he do? He preached! He proclaimed the message of Salvation to his countrymen while he labored. Peter called him, “a preacher of righteousness.” (2 Peter 2:5) So how is this honorable? It is honorable in that he did the right thing in warning his neighbors of their impending doom, even in the face of their rejection and ridicule. Sometime the honorable thing to do is stand for what is right, even in the face of opposition. Noah was an honorable man!
For you ladies that are here on Pine Island, don’t forget the ladies’ luncheon this coming Thursday at 1:00 pm. It will be at the Island Grill in the Winn Dixie plaza.
Thanks for being such a faithful reader of this blog. You are what makes it all worthwhile. I hope you have a good, healthy, and pleasant week.
I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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