I have said it before, but it bears repeating. I count it a real joy to visit with you each week. It seems so unreal that it is nearly August. Surely Christmas could only have been a few weeks ago. Time might be flying, but I rejoice in knowing that I have stability and security in my Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him is true joy and peace. I do not know how people can function without Him. From a theological standpoint it is simple. Satan has their eyes blinded and their senses dulled. That being said, from a practical standpoint, I just do not understand. If you are not a believer, you are not led by God’s Holy Spirit. You are like a piece of driftwood out on the ocean. You have no real direction, and you are tossed about at the whim of the waves. You need to surrender your life to the One who can calm the waves and give you a direction, a purpose, and a meaning to life. You need Jesus. The beauty of it is that while you NEED Christ, Christ WANTS you. For you, trusting Him is a no loose proposition. It is a win – win situation. You receive what you need, and Jesus receives what He wants. How do I know Jesus wants you? Just look at what happened on the cross – it was for those in need; it was for you. Call upon Him today. Confess your sin and your sorrow, and receive Him as your Saviour and Lord. If I can help you with that, contact me at either preachercooper@hotmail.com, or fhbcsjc@gmail.com.
The e-addresses I just provided to you can be used by anybody as a way to contact me. I really enjoy hearing from all of you. I hear from someone each week, but I’d sure enjoy hearing from you. Whether you are a friend I know, or one I have yet to meet, let me hear from you. This blog reaches over 18,000 readers worldwide. Think of the fun I would have if I heard from each of you!
Yesterday was another good day at Friendship Harmony. The service was tremendous, and the attendance was fantastic! What a blessing it was to be there. For those of you who cannot be with us due to distance, you can at least experience the preaching portion of our service. The easiest way to do so is to go to www.facebook.com/friendshipharmony. The videos are usually available on Tuesday morning. This week’s message was the conclusion of the three part series called The Making Of The Man. In each message we met three different people from Scriptures, and saw how each was descent, honest, and honorable. Yesterday we met a man from Babylon named Melzar. For more on him, you will find him in Daniel chapter one. The video will be available Tuesday: be sure to watch.
May the LORD bless your upcoming week with peace, comfort, encouragement, or whatever your need might be. Don’t forget to take a few minutes to e-mail a hello back to me. You are also encouraged to send questions or prayer requests. I’ll see you next Monday Morning With Pastor Vic!!!
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